Star Troop

The Star Award Recognition Programme is a Troop management and self-assessment tool that is also used to recognise Troops who are meeting the Aims of SCOUTS South Africa. The Scout methods used, in particular the Patrol System, are the tools that differentiate Scouting from any other youth organization.
The Star Awards also serve as an essential tool for Troop Scouters, District Commissioners (DCs) and Support Team Members (STMs) to identify areas where support is needed in the various disciplines of the Scout Troop.
Award levels
- Participation Award: 1 to 4 disciplines achieved
- Bronze Award: 5 to 8 disciplines achieved
- Silver Award: 9 to 12 disciplines achieved
- Gold Award: 13 to 15 disciplines achieved
The Star Troop assessment expects Troops to achieve at least a Silver Award, signifying a solid performance in meeting basic standards. Bronze indicates room for improvement, while the Gold Award signifies exceeding expectations, reflecting a comprehensive commitment to Scouting principles, outdoor exploration, and active participation in the broader Scouting community. We encourage all Scout Troops to GO for Gold!!
- Number of Scouts: Number of scouts in the Troop. (12+)
- Recruitment: Number of scouts recruited during the year (4+)
- Retention: % of scouts on last year's census who would be under 18 and have remained in the Troop at this year's census: (75%+)
- Patrol System: All patrols assessed or participated in Star Patrol award. (100%+)
- Star Patrol Award Achievement: % of patrols that achieve Bronze Star Patrol award (or higher). (50%+)
- Court of Honour: The number of Court of Honour meetings attended by each of the Patrol Leaders in the evaluation year (4+)
- Scoutcraft/Interest Badges: % of Scouts that have gained at least one Interest or Scoutcraft badge during the year: (65%+)
- Advancement: Percentage of scouts that have advanced during the period of review to a new level; Membership, Traveller, Discoverer, First Class or Springbok during the year: (30%+)
- Outdoors: Troop outdoor activities (away from the hall) held this year e.g. Hike, day trip, or special wide games: (4+)
- Troop Camping: Number of nights that all patrols have camped together as a Troop away from their Troop meeting place: (2+)
- Participation: Number of District or Regional activities attended by the Troop during the year: (2+)
- National Challenge: % of Scouts that have earned Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) or National Challenge badges: (30%+)
- Troop Records: During the year the following records were maintained (3+)
- Scouts Digital records up to date
- Up to date progress chart displayed
- Year-at-a-glance / Programme plan
- Hike/Camp/Outdoor Activity permits
- Troop equipment list
- Communication: Troop Notice Board, Group Website / Social Media is updated regularly, email communication to parents, and/or Group / Troop newsletter is issued quarterly. (Yes/No)
- Scouter development: Each Scouter to assist as Staff on a District/Regional or National event OR has attended one recognised training course or training workshop during the period of review. (Yes/No)
Guidelines for completing the Star Troop Award assessment form
- Number of Scouts
- Total number of Scouts in the Troop.
- A minimum of 12 Scouts required i.e. two Patrols of 6 each.
- Excel Capture: Enter number of Scouts in the Troop at the top of the spreadsheet.
- Recruitment
- Number of Scouts recruited during the period of review.
- A minimum of 4 new recruits (including Cubs) required.
- Excel Capture: Enter number of new Scouts invested.
- Retention
- Percentage of Scouts on last year's census who would be under 18 and remained in the Troop as at time of review.
- Minimum of 75% of Scouts retained in the Troop.
- Retention calculation required: see on separate Excel spreadsheet 'Retention Calculation' or on the Scouts.Digital report
- Excel Capture: Enter percentage of Scouts retained.
- Patrol System
- All Patrols in the Troop should complete the Patrol Star Award assessment sheet and participate in the Patrol Star Award Recognition Programme.
- 100% Star Patrol Participation.
- Excel Capture: Enter number of Patrols (not %) that were assessed.
- Patrol Star Award Achievement
- 50% or more of Patrols achieved Bronze Star Patrol Award (or higher).
- Minimum number required is shown on Excel sheet columns I & J.
- Excel Capture: Enter number of Patrols (not %) that achieved bronze.
- Court of Honour
- A minimum of four Court of Honour meetings (one per quarter) should be held during the period of review.
- Attendance and minutes are to be kept for all Court of Honour meetings.
- Excel Capture: Enter number of CoH meetings attended by PLs.
- Scoutcraft and Interest Badges
- Percentage of Scouts that have gained at least one Scoutcraft badge or Interest badge during the review period.
- Minimum of 65% of Scouts in the Troop to have achieved.
- Minimum number required shown on Excel sheet columns I & J
- Excel Capture: Enter number of Scouts (not %) who earned badges
- Advancement
- Percentage of Scouts that have advanced during the period of review to a new level; Membership, Traveller, Discoverer, First Class or Springbok
- Minimum of 30% of Scouts to have achieved.
- Minimum number required shown on Excel sheet columns I & J
- Excel Capture: Enter number of Scouts (not %) who advanced
- Outdoors
- Number of outdoor activities (away from the Troop meeting place) held during the review period e.g. Hike, daytrip, wide games etc.
- Must be recorded, with a copy of the permit and photographs of the activities, either electronically or a hardcopy in a file/book, and/or posts on social media.
- Permit numbers to be captured in the comments on the assessment form.
- Minimum of four outdoor activities required.
- Excel Capture: Enter number of Outdoor Activities held.
- Normal Troop meetings at the normal Troop meeting place cannot be counted as outdoor activities, even if they are held outdoors. However, outdoor activities that require an activity permit and are held at least two kilometres away from the usual meeting place during Troop meeting times or at other times qualify as an outdoor activity.
- Troop Camping
- Number of nights that all Patrols have camped together as a Troop away from their Troop meeting place.
- Must be recorded, with a copy of the permit (if required) and photographs of the camp(s) and activities, either electronically or a hardcopy in a file/book, and/or posts on social media.
- Permit number(s) to be captured in the comments on the assessment form.
- Minimum of two nights camping required.
- Excel Capture: Enter number of Nights Camped
- The camping nights do not have to be consecutive. More than 50% of the Troop should have attended. Overnight Troop hikes may be included if not used under the Outdoor section.
- Troop Participation
- Number of District or Regional events attended by the Troop during the period of review.
- Must be recorded, with a copy of the permit (if required) and photographs of the activities, either electronically or a hardcopy in a file/book, and/or posts on social media.
- Permit number(s) to be captured in the comments on the assessment form.
- Participation at a minimum of 2 events required.
- Excel Capture: Enter number of District or Regional events attended
- The Troop must be represented by at least one Patrol-sized group or a full team (as per the requirements of the activity) at District or Regional events, activities, courses, or competitions.
- National Challenge
- Percentage of Scouts that have earned Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) / National Challenge badges during the period of review.
- Minimum of 30% of Scouts to have achieved.
- Excel Capture: Enter number of Scouts (not %) who earned badges
- Troop Records
- Ideally all of the following records should be available, but for the Star Troop Award a minimum of three are required.
- The following Troop records are properly maintained:
- Scouts Digital records up to date
- Up to date progress chart displayed
- Year-at-a-glance / Programme plan
- Hike/Camp/Outdoor Activity permits
- Troop equipment list
- Excel Capture: Enter number of above records kept and maintained
- Communication
- Communication in the form of a Troop Notice Board; Group Website/Social Media updated regularly; electronic communication to parents; and/or Group/Troop newsletter issued quarterly.
- Excel Capture: Enter Yes or No – either there is good communication or not.
- Email/WhatsApp/SMS communication keeping Parents informed of Troop activities can be counted, provided there is proof of the regular electron communication sent.
- Scouter development
- Each Scouter to assist as staff on a District, Regional or National event or attend one recognised training course or training workshop during the period of review.