SCOUTS South Africa Wiki

From SCOUTS South Africa Wiki
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Welcome to SCOUTS South Africa's Resource Wiki

Here you will find the resources you need for Meerkats, Cubs, Scouts, Rovers and Adult Leaders to experience the ultimate Scouting Adventure! This site is provided for members of SCOUTS South Africa to have quick and easy access to a wealth of Scouting knowledge and resources.

Get involved!

We'd love you to contribute relevant resources to ScoutWiki – even the smallest additions are a huge help! To get involved, please request an account, and get started editing. For some tips on how, we have a section on how to update the wiki.

The History and Heritage of Scouting in South Africa

The first Scout Troops in Africa were formed in Cape Town in 1908, the year after Baden Powell's Brownsea Island camp that started the worldwide Scout movement. Spend time exploring, and contributing to, the vast collection of stories, memories and records dating back to the very beginning of Scouting in our History and Heritage section

For more information

For more information, please Contact Us