Adult Support Policy

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The Adult Support Policy of SCOUTS South Africa (SSA) establishes a framework for the support and development of Adult Leaders within the organization. This policy outlines the procedures and principles for recruiting, training, and managing adult volunteers who are instrumental in delivering SSA's youth programs.

Key Components of the Policy

Purpose and Principles

The policy aims to enhance the quality and impact of program delivery by supporting adult members. It emphasizes the value of volunteer contributions and ensures equal access to volunteer opportunities, fostering an inclusive and diverse membership.


The policy applies to all adult members of SSA, including unit leaders, supporting leaders, and organizational leaders, across various roles within the organization.


A systematic approach to recruitment ensures a diverse and qualified volunteer pool. The process includes assessing organizational needs, providing clear role descriptions, and actively recruiting suitable candidates.

Training and Development

The policy outlines a comprehensive training program, including induction, ongoing training, and support mechanisms. Training is tailored to the specific roles and responsibilities of volunteers, emphasizing the importance of continual learning and development.

Performance Management

Regular personal reviews and support structures are in place to assist volunteers in their roles, ensuring they meet the organization's standards and their personal development goals.

Recognition and Awards

SSA recognizes the contributions of its volunteers through various Scouting Awards, acknowledging their dedication and service.

Future Planning

Decisions regarding the renewal of membership, re-assignment, or retirement are carefully managed to align with both organizational needs and individual circumstances.
