Advanced Navigation Scout Interest Badge
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Badge requirements
- Have passed the Map Reading Scoutcraft Badge and be prepared to demonstrate any of those requirements. OR Complete all the requirements for the Map Reading Scoutcraft Badge.
- Explain to the satisfaction of the examiner how the SA coordinate system works and demonstrate using a 1:50 000 Topographical map, how to plot and read Geographical and Projected coordinates.
- Explain what is meant by GPS and compare the pros and cons between Single and Differential (DGPS) processing.
- Explain what is meant by a Waypoint.
- Show knowledge of the setup procedure for a GPS.
- Explain what a GIS is.
- Identify and explain the different ways of obtaining data for a GIS.
- Explain what Attributes are.
- Successfully load at least 10 Waypoints, as determined by the examiner, and then navigate to these points using the GPS /GIS. The route should be at least 15Km and half the distance can be done on water, animal, or bicycles.
Requirements in PDF
See also
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