Advanced Navigation Scout Interest Badge

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Badge requirements

Advanced Navigation
Advanced Navigation
  1. Have passed the Map Reading Scoutcraft Badge and be prepared to demonstrate any of those requirements. OR Complete all the requirements for the Map Reading Scoutcraft Badge.
  2. Explain to the satisfaction of the examiner how the SA coordinate system works and demonstrate using a 1:50 000 Topographical map, how to plot and read Geographical and Projected coordinates.
  3. Explain what is meant by GPS and compare the pros and cons between Single and Differential (DGPS) processing.
  4. Explain what is meant by a Waypoint.
  5. Show knowledge of the setup procedure for a GPS.
  6. Explain what a GIS is.
  7. Identify and explain the different ways of obtaining data for a GIS.
  8. Explain what Attributes are.
  9. Successfully load at least 10 Waypoints, as determined by the examiner, and then navigate to these points using the GPS /GIS. The route should be at least 15Km and half the distance can be done on water, animal, or bicycles.

Requirements in PDF

See also