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Camouflage is the art of disguising yourself so that you are less obvious in the bush. Sillhouette, shape, shine and shadows give you away when you are trying to avoid detection.

Breaking the lines

Breaking the outlines with the use of strongly contrasting colours is know as disruptive camouflage We can use plants stuck into out clothes and hat to make our outline less recognisable.

Disruptive camouflage in a leopard
Disruptive camouflage in a leopard

Sillhouette is when your outline is exposed against a bright background such as the skyline at at dawn or dusk. Avoid forming a sillhouette by keeping a low to the ground and looking through a clump grass or through branches.

Hessian cloth is very effective when used as a camo-net or as a poncho.

Use face paint and charcoal dust to blacken your whole face for night-time camouflage. Create diagonal lines across your face to hide the shadows around your eyes in the daytime and to disrupt the brighter areas of forehead, cheekbones and nose.


In the darkness a match, the glow of a cigarette, a cell phone screen or a campfire are easily seen from far away.

Daytime: Shine of glass or glint can be used to show your position in an emergency BUT it can also give your hiding place away when you don't want to be seen. Glass is as good as a mirror in bright sun light. Cover your watch or jewellery and put the cell phone in a bag.

Night time: Fires can be seen from far away. If you want you camp site to be hidden - build a trench fire this also makes it easy to disguise the campsite when you move on.

Trench fire


Some sounds are more startling than others, a badly timed "Shhh!" or a snap of a breaking twig can draw attention to your hiding place.


When you are need to stay hidden - be aware of the the smells of perfume, and campfires. Pay attention to wind direction - and move into the wind.

More reading