Canoeing Scoutcraft Badge

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This badge is design to introduce a scout to the sport of canoeing and reach a minimum standard of skill.

Badge requirements

  1. Pass or have passed the requirements of the Swimming Scoutcraft Badge.
  2. Show a knowledge of canoeing as a sport, and its value for healthy exercise.
  3. Show a knowledge of canoeing accessories, such as buoyancy, paddles, clothing items, rudders, seats, splash covers, etc. Discuss the advantages of the different types of accessories, and how to select these.
  4. Discuss the various types of canoes available, the materials used in their construction, and how these apply to various forms of canoeing. Name the main parts of a canoe.
  5. Demonstrate sound safety measures when canoeing, including the correct use of lifejackets, buoyancy, pre-check items, rules of the road and the [[Buddy system|buddy system].

  6. Take charge of a Canadian canoe, with a bow paddler, in which you perform the following manoeuvres, using single paddles:
    1. Handle the canoe into water and make fast.
    2. Board the canoe from the bank or in shallow water.
    3. Demonstrate correct paddling techniques, including posture and paddling grip, forward stroke, J-stroke, backwater stroke emergency stop, draw strokes.
    4. Paddle 100 metres on a straight course.
    5. Paddle 100 metres on a slalom course, around 8 to 10 buoys to demonstrate the above strokes.
    6. Correctly disembark onto the bank.
    7. Dressed in normal canoeing gear, capsize in deep water at least 50 metres from the bank. Right the canoe, climb into it and paddle the submerged canoe back to the bank. Empty the water without assistance.
  7. Perform the following manoeuvres in a single-seater kayak, using double-bladed feathered paddles
    1. Handle the kayak into the water and make fast.
    2. Board the kayak from the bank or in shallow water.
    3. Demonstrate correct paddling techniques, including posture and paddling grip, forward stroke, emergency stop, draw strokes.
    4. Paddle 100 metres on a straight course.
    5. Paddle 100 metres on a slalom course, around 8 to 10 buoys to demonstrate the above strokes.
    6. Correctly disembark onto the bank.
    7. Dressed in normal canoeing gear, capsize in deep water at least 50 metres from the bank. Perform a deep-water rescue with assistance from your buddy and paddle back to the bank

Requirements in PDF

See also

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