Conservation Scoutcraft Badge

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This badge is designed to introduce a Scout to the concept of environmental conservation, demonstrate the impact a human has on the earth, and what we can do to save our natural resources.

Badge requirements

  1. Measure your environmental footprint and make recommendations as to how you can reduce your environmental footprint. See attached annexure - Environmental Footprint. The 'environmental footprint' can apply to both at Scouts and at home.
  2. Make a sketch illustrating the complete water cycle using and describing the following terms: precipitation; run-off; groundwater; water table; evaporation; transpiration. Indicate methods on how you would conserve water.
  3. Show you are familiar with the main causes of the following types of pollution and how they can be controlled:
    1. water
    2. air
    3. noise
    4. soil
    5. litter
  4. Know the dangers of soil erosion by wind and water. Demonstrate how soil erosion can be combated.
  5. Know the threats posed by alien vegetation and the measures being taken to eradicate these. Identify four invader plants in your area and how they can be controlled.
  6. Do TWO of the following: (Biological Conservation)
    1. Establish a bird / butterfly cafeteria by planting an area with trees and shrubs which bear flowers or fruit attractive to the birds in your area. These should be indigenous fruit-bearing trees.
    2. Make a pond/ bird path for birds, monitor it daily and record and identify the birds using it over a period of a week.
    3. Build a brush pile for wildlife.
    4. Make a mini-greenhouse to grow plant seedlings for replanting.
    5. Build up a collection of five plaster casts or drawings (which you have made) of animal and/or bird tracks or leaf prints.
    6. Upload ten photographs/observations of wild animals or naturally occurring plants to
    7. Start a worm farm/compost heap to be used for your garden at home.
    8. Have an understanding of the biocontrol agents that have the ability to control seed production in alien plant pests.
  7. Participate in a conservation project (on your own or with your Patrol) covering ONE of the following:
    1. A water conservation project such as water harvesting, leak tracing or a water-usage exercise.
    2. Carry out a project to reduce soil erosion.
    3. Plant two or more indigineous trees at your Scout meeting place, school or at home.
    4. Clean up a badly littered area - e.g. roadside, picnic ground, vacant plot, river / stream, or beach.
    5. Remove alien vegetation from within your Scout meeting place / camping grounds or other suitable area in or around your community.
    6. Carry out a recycling programme at home.
    7. Give a solar energy demonstration e.g. Water heating, solar cooker or haybox.

Requirements in PDF

See also

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