Cub Entrepreneur Badge

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Badge requirements

Entrepreneur Cub Interest Badge
Entrepreneur Cub Interest Badge

Do ALL of the following:

  1. Explain what an Entrepreneur is.
  2. Explain what a business is and how it operates to make money.
  3. List what costs a small business will have each month.
  4. Explain the difference between cost price and selling price.
  5. Identify a product that you are passionate about or your friends may need. For the product you have thought of:
    • Explain what you would call it to appeal to your customers (friends).
    • Describe what resources you would need to make the product.
    • Explain who would want to buy the product and why.
    • Discuss what it will cost you to make the product and what you would charge for the product.
    • Make up a few samples of your product and sell them to your friends.
    • Donate a portion of any profits made to an organisation that helps those in need.

See also

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