E T "Grey Wolf" Crooks

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With the passing of Grey Wolf, a pioneer of Cubbing, the Midlands has suffered a great loss. During her forty active years in the Movement she personified the Scout Law and Promise and in doing so brought joy, happiness and a sense of purpose to countless numbers of Cubs.

The memory of her dynamic personality and her high standards of integrity and discipline in an age when these are so frequently lacking, will be remembered by all and will remain an inspiration for all those carrying on the good work she started.

Grey Wolf who was a school teacher, loved the Movement she served so well, and was the most prominent Scouter in the history of the Walmer Pack, becoming Cubmaster when it started in 1926. Later as Assistant Divisional Commissioner for Cubs she remained active until her death in 1967. Grey Wolf also attended the Arrow Park Jamboree in 1929.

In 1935 she was awarded the Medal of Merit for good service and in 1947 the Silver Acorn (Now the Silver Protea) with the accompanying certificate signed by the King of England. The citation being for long, devoted and distinguished service to the movement.

Upon being called to "Higher Service" we can find solace in Longfellow's spiritual vision:

"There is no death, what seems so is transition. This life of mortal breath is but a suburb of the Elysian whose portals we call Death."