Entsha Programme

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To avoid confusion the new programme effective from 2019 was named the "Entsha Programme". In November 2015, a number of Troops around the country were selected to pilot the new programme. Their specific mandate was to comment on the programme, highlight any anomalies and make suggestions on improving it. In 2016, these Troops were consulted on how the programme was accepted, and to date all gave it the 'thumbs-up'. Apart from the selected Troops, other third parties not affiliated to the Entsha Troops were selected by their respective Regional Commissioners to pass comment too. These comments were considered and incorporated where relevant.

Reasons for revising the programme

It is vital for an organisation like the Scouting Movement to have a programme that is relevant and addresses the needs of youth and children within a specific society. Therefore, much like other Scout Associations, SSA had a thorough look at its programmes. The current South African Scout Programme is 15 years old. It was also noted that the number of Springbok Scout Awards was slowly diminishing and the question was asked why? It was established that the pressures on youth have consistently been changing and that the cost to attain a Springbok are unacceptably high. It was also noted that the number of Scouts attaining First Class also declined. SCOUTS South Africa EXCO commissioned a new programme which addresses the needs of all Scouts in South Africa.

Structure of the Entsha programme

There will now be five advancement levels, instead of the current six: Membership, Traveller, Discoverer, First Class and Springbok.

For each advancement level, there are six theme badges that have to be attained. These theme badges are: Safety Awareness, Living Outdoors, Adventure, Skills, Service and Personal Development.

One a Scout has obtained a theme badge within an advance level, they have the opportunity to move on to the next level theme badge without having to complete the entire advancement level. This allows the Scout to pursue the educational activities they enjoy. However, there are limits as to how far a Scout may advance with theme badges. It should also be noted that a new Cord has been added to the existing Bushman's Thong, Airman Cord and Seaman's cord. There is now a Service Cord that a Scout can attain. More information can be found in the Entsha programme.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here you can find answers to the most common questions about the new Entsha Programme. Let us know if you have any additional questions that we can add.

What does Entsha mean?

'Entsha' means 'New' or 'Young' in Zulu. For us, it signifies the new Scout Programme being rolled out in 2019.

Why are we doing this?

WOSM requires that Scout Programmes be reassessed every 10 years. Our programme is now 16 years old (from 2002). The new programme contains requirements that are more accessible to scouts all over the country, and is also now more relevant to today's youth.

When is Entsha rolling out?

The new Scout Advancement Programme was rolled out on 15 January 2019. Troops are encouraged to convert to the new programme by 30 March, however they have until 30 June 2019 to convert.

Will it always be called 'Entsha'?

No. Since Entsha has been rolled out, the word 'Entsha' will fall away, and the programme will simply be called "the Scout Programme". The current programme will then be known as the 'old Scout Programme'.

What does the Entsha programme entail?

There will now be five advancement levels, instead of the current six: Membership, Traveller, Discoverer, First Class and Springbok.

For each advancement level, there are six theme badges that have to be attained. These theme badges are: Safety Awareness, Living Outdoors, Adventure, Skills, Service and Personal Development.

Must you wait to complete a level before working towards the next level?

No. One a Scout has obtained a theme badge within an advance level, they have the opportunity to move on to the next level theme badge without having to complete the entire advancement level. This allows the Scout to pursue the educational activities they enjoy. However, there are limits as to how far a Scout may advance with theme badges.

Do the existing Cords and Bushman's thong still exist?

Yes. It should also be noted that a new Cord has been added to the existing Bushman's Thong, Airman Cord and Seaman's cord. There is now a Service Cord that a Scout can attain.

Will Scouts be prejudiced by the changes?

No, not at all! All existing clauses that are ticked off will translate as best as possible to the new system. Where there is doubt or a grey area, the benefit should be given to the Scouts - they should never have to redo anything.

If I have First Class or Adventurer, will I still have First Class or Discoverer?

Not necessarily. Some items from Explorer and Springbok have moved to First Class, and as such you might move from having First Class to working towards the new First Class.

If I move from First Class to Discoverer, must I remove my First Class badge?

No! You have earned the First Class on the old system, and this stays on your arm until you get the new First Class.

See also