Forester Scout Interest Badge

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Badge requirements

  1. Describe the value of woodlots for providing fuel, fencing, and building poles; and the value of forests in protecting soil, building soil fertility, regulating the flow of water, and in wildlife management, and as recreational areas.
  2. Produce evidence that you have participated in a community forestry programme under the guidance of the forestry authorities, or in a tree planting programme with a local volunteer organisation, and explain from practical experience the following:
    1. Preparation of the soil.
    2. How and when to plant young trees.
    3. How to water them.
    4. How to tend the areas around them.
    • Show the examiner at least three trees that you have cultivated from saplings.
  3. Dangers to trees
    1. Show that you have a knowledge of the dangers to which trees may be exposed (e.g. termites and other insects, fire, frost, diseases, and animals).
    2. Discuss methods of combatting these dangers and show that you have taken part in at least two preventive measures (e.g. fencing and making a firebreak).
    3. Describe the signs of the shot-hold borer beetle, the danger which the beetle presents, and how to report trees with the disease to the relevant authority. Show that you have a knowledge of the dangers to which trees may be exposed (e.g. termites and other insects, fire, frost, diseases, and animals). Discuss methods of combatting these dangers and show that you have taken part in at least two preventive measures (e.g. fencing and making a firebreak).
  4. Tree felling and removal
    1. Demonstrate or describe how to use a handsaw, bow saw, felling axe, hatchet, and splitting maul safely with reference to protective equipment and safe swinging distances, and do one of the following:
    2. Assist in the trimming ("coppicing") of trees in a woodlot, using a hand axe; and assist in the clear felling of trees in a woodlot, using a bow saw.
      Demonstrate how to use a felling axe in felling and logging up. Use a cross-cut saw and wedges correctly.
      Participate in an alien vegetation removal for not less than 2 hours.

Requirements in PDF

See also