SCOUTS SA Marketing Toolkit

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Why this toolkit?

These marketing materials were developed in line with WOSM's and SCOUTS South Africa's Marketing and Branding policies for you as members, Groups, Districts, Regions and Scout event organisers to use to promote Scouting in your communities. The templates provide an opportunity for us to use a unified brand and to enhance our visibility!

When developing a promotional brand for SCOUTS South Africa (SSA), the advertising agency HAVAS jumped on board to assist probono in developing a look and feel that would represent the outdoor, adventurous and fun nature of Scouting. Skills development and advancement are represented through the badges our members earn, therefore they became an integral part of this brand that visually represents the adventurous essence of our Movement. This brand is to be used for the promotion of SA Scouting and activities.

The corporate SSA brand - purple and white & rope - is only to be used by the National and Regional teams for official communication, Warrants, Awards, SSA merchandise, etc. Exception to this has been provided for signage and tear drop banners. If your Group wants to produce promotional materials in the corporate brand email prior to doing so.

The World Scout Emblem (fleur-de-lis) and the SCOUTS South Africa brand are registered trademarks owned by World Scouting. Therefore, these materials may only be used -in line with the brand directives - for the promotion of Scouting and not for any commercial gain. If you would make amendments to these materials please use due diligence to ensure the correct visual representation of our brand, which in turn ensures the integrity of our brand identity.

Some of the documents are large and will take some time to download. These high-res files enable you to print high quality materials, which reinforce the quality programmes we have in Scouting.

How to use the SSA Brand?

SSA Brand Manual

This SSA Brand Manual explains what our brand is all about. How it ties into the World Scout brand, what the various elements are and how we should use our brand. It also highlights which images we should use to promote Scouting and why. It is aligned with the World Scout Brand Manual. (An updated version which includes Meerkats is in development.)

SSA Brand Elements

To obtain the SCOUTS SA logo, email We will check if your Scout Group is registered and if you are affiliated with the Scout Group, and then send you the logo.

Hessian backgrounds


The SCOUTS SA brand uses 3 fonts:

  • Verdana - This font is used for the body text of all documents and all communications. This same font is used in the text on the website and emails.
  • Futura - This font is used to reproduce the name of our country. The Futura Bold Condensed font is also used in graphic elements and headlines and main titles of South African publications.
  • AG Stencil - This font is part and parcel of the promotional brand and can be used for all materials to promote activities as a heading, to enhance quotes, slogans, etc. It enhances the "rugged and outdoor" feeling of the brand.

SCOUTS SA brand colours

The main brand colours for SCOUTS South Africa’s communications are purple and white.

  • Purple Pantone: 527 C / U / M
  • Purple: C79 M94 Y0 K0
  • Purple RGB decimal (screens): R98 G37 B153
  • Purple hexadecimal (web): #622599

Adult Recruitment

This is Scouting for Adults

  • "This is Scouting for Adults" is a booklet for parents or adults interested in stepping into uniform, to provide them with information on what to expect and which steps to take.

Let's have the time of our lives

Booklets & Pamphlets

Birthday Cards

Business Cards for Members




  • SCOUTS South Africa National Letterheads are used by the National Office, National Teams and National event organisers.
  • SCOUTS South Africa Regional Letterheads are used by the respective Regional Office, Regional Teams and Regional event organisers
  • Scout Groups may use the SSA Regional Letterhead or one of the SSA promo Letterheads as per the guideline below.
    • To obtain your Region's letterhead email your RC who will verify whether a signed SPA is in place and your Scout Group is in good standing.
    • Alternatively use onf the these SSA Letterheads in the promo brand. Option 1 or Option 2
    • Apply these simple usage guidelines.

PowerPoint Slides


Scout badge posters

Wondering which badges you can do as a Scout? Want to show your Scouts which badges are out there and what the requirement are? Share these posters below on your Troop's communication groups or social media, or hang them up in your Scout Hall. The QR codes next to each badge will take you to the requirements on the SCOUTS SA wiki. With thanks to Kirschner de Villiers for developing and sharing these Scout badge posters.

PNG: Image Scout badge poster 1PDF: Print file Scout badge poster 1
PNG: Image Scout badge poster 2PDF: Print file Scout badge poster 2
PNG: Image Scout badge poster 3PDF: Print file Scout badge poster 3
PNG: Image Scout badge poster 4PDF: Print file badge poster 4
PNG: Image My Scout Journey posterPDF: Print file My Scout Journey poster
PNG: Trail to TravellerPDF: Print file Trail to Traveller
PNG: Image Track to DiscovererPDF: Print file Track to Discoverer
PNG: Keep track of your Road to First ClassPDF: Print file Road to First Class
PNG: Image Path to SpringbokPDF: Print file Path to Springbok

Promise and Law Posters

Meerkat posters

Cub Posters

Scout Posters

File:Scout Law Poster.png

Click here for the English PNG

Click here for the English PDF

Other language versions to follow soon PNG

Other language versions to follow soon PDF

File:Scout Promise poster.png

Click here for the English PNG

Click here for the English PDF

Other language versions to follow soon PNG

Other language versions to follow soon PDF

Promise and Law Cards

Want to help your Meerkats, Cubs and Scouts remember their Promise and Law. Here are some flash cards.

File:Scout flashcards front 1.png
File:2024 Scout flashcards back 1.png

Click here for the English PNG Front 1

Click here for the English PNG Back 1

Click here for the English PNG Front 2

Click here for the English PNG Back 2

Click here for the English PDF

Other language versions to follow soon PNG

Other language versions to follow soon PDF

File:Scout flashcards front 2.png

File:2024 Scout flashcards back 2.png


Thank You Cards

Say THANK YOU to your amazing team of volunteers and parents! Send them a SCOUTS SA "Thank You" card!


Learn it Young. Remember it Forever.

WordPress website template - SSA brand

Planning on creating or updating your Scout Group or Rover Crew website?

Want to use the SSA brand to help make Scouting more visible online and within our communities?

We have the solution for you! A SSA branded Word Press Scout Group website template. *Only for Scout Groups registered in South Africa

To obtain the template simply: