Member Code of Conduct

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The Member Code of Conduct for SCOUTS South Africa (SSA) sets forth the expectations and standards for behavior and discipline among its members, ensuring that all activities and interactions align with the values of the Scout Promise and Law. This policy applies to all members, including volunteers, service providers, and employees.

Key Provisions of the Code of Conduct

General Conduct

Members must respect the rights and dignity of others, ensure safety, follow all SSA policies, and avoid using their position for personal gain. They must declare any criminal convictions and ensure a safe and inclusive environment for all participants.

Disorderly Behavior

Threatening, fighting, and any dangerous behaviors are strictly prohibited, as they compromise the safety and integrity of scouting activities.

Child Protection

Members must adhere to SSA’s Child Protection Policy, ensuring the safety and well-being of all youth members by protecting them from physical, sexual, and emotional harm.

Safety Regulations

All scouting activities must be conducted under SSA's safety policies, ensuring that risks are minimized and safety protocols are followed.

Alcohol, Drugs, and Substance Abuse

The use of alcohol or illegal drugs during scouting activities is strictly prohibited, especially when members are responsible for supervising youth.

Firearms and Weapons

Members are not allowed to bring dangerous weapons onto SSA premises or scouting events without proper authorization.

Use of Social Media

Members must follow the SSA Social Media Usage Guidelines to ensure appropriate interactions online, particularly with youth members.


Any form of discrimination is not tolerated within SSA, ensuring an inclusive environment that respects diversity.

Disciplinary Actions

Consequences for Misconduct

Depending on the severity of the violation, disciplinary actions may range from verbal warnings to termination of membership. Procedures are detailed for both initiating and resolving disciplinary actions to ensure fairness and transparency.

Grievance and Disciplinary Procedures

Specific procedures are outlined for handling complaints and grievances, providing a structured approach to resolve conflicts and uphold the standards of conduct.
