PowWow: 1983 Report

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Cub Pow Wow 1983

12 to 15 May

Report by Ginny Commin - Pack Scouter, 1st Goodwood

A Cub Pow-Wow is a gathering of Pack Scouters from all over the Republic and is held every two years. This years' was held in Durban from 12 to 15 May 1983.

We arrived at the campsite at about 11.00 a.m, each of us looking forward to four days of no cooking, no television, 90 women talking non-stop.

Lunch was served and after that we unpacked, attended a Scouts Own and then played a getting to know you game. I was put into the 'Charterhouse' group and by some small miracle I found that the rest of the girls were as mischievous as myself. We had supper at 6.00 p.m. and that was followed by a very interesting talk on Marine Conservation.

The following morning, we were woken at 5.15 am. by a couple of the girls in our tent rummaging around for heaven knows what. Breakfast was at 7.00 a.m. and after that we had our first Pow-Wow. The topic was the Jungle Story and after much discussion it was unanimously decided that this is the foundation of the whole system of Cubbing, and is not outdated.

At 9.00 a.m. we boarded a bus and were taken to the Natal Anti-Shark Board. Here we were shown films and allowed to touch a dead Black fin shark. Then the bus took us to a Mayoral Reception where we were given a delicious finger lunch.

After the reception the bus took us to Phe Aula - a native kraal where we were entertained with Zulu dances and afterwards taken to their kraals. I made sure that I had a picture taken of myself with a couple of Zulu's!

Back at camp we got down to work to prepare skits for the following nights' banquet. After supper a Camp Fire was held in grand style and was enjoyed by all of us. We were very pleased, however, to hit the sack, after having spent all day on the bus with our hostess waving her loud hailer in our ears.

After breakfast we went straight into a Pow-Wow session regarding Cub Instructors, Badge Examiners and whether we liked the beads on the Cubs pockets or not. A unanimous no for the last item. We would all like to see those odious beads abolished

Next on the agenda were Interest Bases where we learned to decoupage, to paint B.M.X. 's on pillow cases or sweaters and to make chocolate moulds. I picked up lots of good handcraft ideas for future Pack meetings - especially the chocolate moulding.

After the Interest Bases we had talks on First Aid, flag rules and the national anthem. This was followed by a delicious lunch and free time of three hours. At last! I had a good lie down on my stretcher - and I didn't even mind the sagging in the middle of it.

That evening we set off for our banquet. The meal was divine and in between each course the skits were performed. Needless to say 'Charterhouse' was voted the best - by 'Charterhouse'. We arrived back at camp at 11.00 p.m. and being in high spirits, we decided to join the other tents for a pyjama party. This only ended at 2.00 a.m.!

The following morning lights went on at 5.30 a.m. I arose feeling old and grey from lack of sleep. Tiredly we all started to pack before breakfast which was at 6.00 a.m. and turned out to be the usual end-of-camp hash and coffee. Farewells were regretfully said with many exclamations of 'See you in Kimberley in 1985' slipping in."

See Also