Rayner Trophy 2005 Report

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Route: Kleinmond to Betty's Bay via the beach

A first time for all of us, we didn't know what to expect and were excited.

We met at the hall at 09:00 to sort out our kits with the help of Mathew. Mr Shnetler drove us to the petrol station at the bottom of Sir Lowry's pass where we received our first instructions ... with a small observation exercise along the road we found our way to the start of our bases.

Getting changed in front of everyone was an interesting exercise, which of course we pulled off. On the way we were taking bearings for our logs.

The next two bases were cracking codes, first was unknown to us, second, Morse code, which we almost pulled off just a few letters out.

The rest of our day bases were placed along the beach. Scout laws, Ground to Air signs, mapping, shelters, knots and other challenges came across the teams, none we couldn't handle.

At the end of the beach we were given some as we thought misleading directions and we proved that women can't take directions or that men can't give them and after going about 600m up the road were told to find our way back. After doing a small first aid exercise were told to find a "camp site" and start to cook supper. The night programme progressed with us starting off well but ending up losing a torch, going in the totally wrong direction for our last base and nearly loosing ourselves. Bedtime at 23:30 and rise and shine at 05:00.

We progressed back to the sand in the morning to add to the beach collection in our shoes. We started off the day with more first aid and continued to mapping, crossing cold water; life lines and stretchers before getting slightly lost yet again, I don't think any of us have ever been so happy to see Jacques before, then a cup of tea with Cobra and Sean before with the help of Stuart's directions went through the mini Amazon.

We were all starting to get irritable and snappy but we stuck to our usual motto and our usual bad singing, Keep smiling, Keep shining. After another first aid base and moving of toxic chemicals exercise we returned to the beach to complete the last stretch of our journey, where I was saved from drowning and we built a flag pole.

After finishing our log we walked the final stretch to final parade where we received 10th place, which earned us a supper (thanks Shantal).

I thought Rayner was a great experience and we had a lot of fun, getting to know each other a bit better and learning new things. We proved our point that we are just as good and if not then better, at least we made it to the starting point never mind the end.

Report by: Amy Haworth, 1st Naruna Constantia.