Rover Moot: 1992 Report

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Cape Recife Reserve, Port Elizabeth: National Rover Scout Moot

28 to 31 June 1992

Cloth badge worn on uniform
Moot poster

Report by St Andrew's Rover Crew, Pretoria.

Upon arrival the accommodation at Pine Lodge Resort was luxurious. The welcome was fantastic. We went out to the local Kentucky for some lunch and returned to be issued with T-shirts, badges and engraved beer mugs. Thursday night we had a super braai, and then to a most welcome bed.

Rise and shine and breakfast at nine. It was scheduled for eight, but the caterer went to the incorrect site. Plenty of hustle and bustle, moving time slots. Breakfast was great and then off to the Dolphin shown and Snake Park both super! Back to camp for lunch and then the Opening Ceremony and our Chief Scout was there to give us a little chat on the vision of a million Scouts in the next few years. Great stuff and Rovers are ready to play their part. The Opening Ceremony was impressive, with each crew handing over their 'Scroll'.

Then 'Ship Ahoy', off by bus to the Navticat. Great singing and joking between ourselves and the Cape Town Crews on the bus. The boat trip along the shoreline was superb. A Rover hat blew off into the sea and Marius dropped his Beer Glass overboard, never to be seen again. Lots of good cheer and camaraderie. We then returned to camp and got into uniform and set off on the City Tour, with the Civic Reception to follow. The Tour was interesting, but we decided we couldn't fit the Donkin Memorial into the bus – pity.

The Civic Reception was enjoyable; food has never vanished so fast. The Chief Scout gave an impressive speech and the Mayor, in his address made us feel very welcome to the "Friendly City". Back to camp - singing and laughing. Another quick change out of uniform and into the grub and evenings entertainment of singing and dancing until the wee small hours.

Ed Rose and Rovers on the Apple Express Excursion to Loerie 30/5/92

Rise and shine before sunrise! Breakfast and then on to the bus. Great excitement abounds, because today is the "Apple Express Day". Who will ever forget the singing, the laughter and the sheer joy of riding through the Cape Countryside, in those weird little coaches; being tugged along by the Brilliant Breen and Gold Locomotive, aptly named "Granny Smith".

Another highlight was the walk over the Van Staden's River Railway Bridge, a scary but exhilarating experience. We reached our turn-around-point at Loerie where we stopped for about an hour for lunch. Too soon it was time for the return trip and we arrived back in P.E. at approximately 16-00, most of us very hoarse from the singing.

Next we were on our way to 'Gillsands' for the Banquet, which turned out to be a feast fit for a king, and we had a rollicking good time. We eventually arrived back at camp at 20-00 and so to bed.

A big rush to get going - First off to Gillsands" for a final 'scouts Own, which was held in the open air chapel, and was great. Then we grabbed our 'pad kos's and made our farewells, (some tearfully) and we were off on our way home. I cannot finish the article without adding the following comments.

Port Elizabeth - You Did Us Proud - Your organisation was smooth and professional, your dedication and self sacrifice, to make this a Moot for us all to remember, was an example to everyone. We will remember and we Salute you!

St Andrew's Rover Crew: Bob, Gwen, Alan, Michelle, Brian, Andrew, Patricia, Gavin, Marius and Keith.

Ed: There were approximately 40 Rovers attending. The Camp Chief was D/C Jack Haggerty and other Scouting stalwarts included Ed Rose and Colin Stretton.

See Also