Sandbox.Checklist: Is is bullying?

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Sometimes we might do something that experienced very differently by other people.

  • A joke is only a joke if both parties are laughing.
  • No means No. It does not mean maybe.
  • You don’t have the right to determine how another person must feel or react about your behaviour, actions or words towards them.
  • If you won’t do or say something in front of your mother, then it is NOT ok.
  • By accident is not an accident, if it is repetitive behaviour.
  • Being older does not mean you get to determine what someone must do for you or that someone must respect you – respect is earned.
  • Just because it was done to you, does not mean it must be done to someone else.
  • Bullying on social media is just as harmful as other bullying. Don’t encourage bullies by liking or sharing their comments or posts.
  • Liking or sharing a post or image that is inappropriate, hurtful or done without permission qualifies as an act of defamation.
  • No one has the right to undermine, humiliate, intimidate, hurt or otherwise negatively impact the life of another person no matter how normal, talented, intelligent, odd, awkward or quirky they are. Bullies do that, and there is no place for bullies in school, work or society in general.
    • Embarrassment is personal, no one likes to be embarassed
  • Wrong is wrong, even if everyone else is also doing it..
Adapted from: Headmaster's Newsletter 88 | 30 August 2023 By Mr Roland Rudd

Read the yarn: Justice (Yarn)