Welcome to the Scouts Wiki page

Scouts is for boys and girls between 11 and 17 years old. Being a Scout teaches you how to be independent, how to take responsibility, how to protect your environment, how to contribute to your community and how to be prepared for success!
Hike, sail, fly and camp, get active, respect your environment, be a leader and team player, be inventive, experience the adventure.
Advancement and Badges
The Advancement Programme covers a wide range of activities for Scouts. These activities are completed as you progress up the advancement ladder from Membership through to Springbok, gaining Interest Badges along the way. There are also a number of Challenge Awards for Scouts who need an additional challenge.
Scouting information and resources
Scouting Skills
In the Scouting Skills section, you'll find all the Scoutcraft skills, such as Camping, Hiking, Mapping, Cooking, and First Aid.
Scout Advancement Programme
The Scout Advancement Programme section is where you'll find information on Advancement badges.
Interest and Scoutcraft Badges
The Scout Interest Badges page lists the various Interest and Scoutcraft badges that you can achieve as a Scout.
What is Scouting about?
The method and purpose of Scouting is education for life, fun for life, and a code for living. The aims are met through the Promise and Law, learning by doing, membership of small groups, and progressive and stimulating programs.
Have a look at the various Awards available, including explanations about Star Awards.
Scouts for SDGs
Scouts around the world are focusing on the Sustainable Development Goals. Find out how you can make a difference.
See where your Scout Group came in the various Competitions, and learn about their history.
Patrol Leadership
If you are a Patrol Leader, or soon to be PL, the Patrol Leadership page will give you some hints and tips about becoming a better leader.
Troop Scouter Resources
This section helps Troop Scouters to plan great programmes with ideas, meeting programmes and information to help you run exciting activities for your Scouts. Leaders can also contribute material, to share ideas with other leaders in the Troop Scouter Resources section.
See also
- Scout Groups in South Africa for a list of all Groups in the country
- SCOUTS South Africa - Scout Members