Star Group

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The Star Award Recognition Programme is a management and self-evaluation system which is used to recognise whether Groups are meeting the basic aims of SCOUTS South Africa. The Star Awards also serve as an essential tool for Scout Group Leaders (SGLs), District Commissioners (DCs) and Support Team Members (STMs) to identify areas where support is needed in the various disciplines within the Den, Pack, Troop and Crew.

Just as the Den, the Pack, the Patrol and the Troop have their own individual Star Awards, the Group Star Award will help create focus on the Group for a well-rounded overall picture of what Scouting is all about. By completing the Star Awards Assessment, shortfalls can be identified timeously and support given, thereby enhancing the growth and development of the young individuals into responsible, well-rounded citizens.

The Star Awards Assessment itself does not cover the entire programme but those aspects which are deemed essential in enhancing the adult volunteer experience and in driving the SCOUTS SA Strategy 1-2-3.


Period of Review

The Star Awards takes account of all Group activities completed between 1st January and 31st December every year.

As the Star Awards assessment needs to be submitted early December each year, the remaining Group activities in December are still considered for the Star Awards Programme for that year.


Participation in the Star Award Recognition Programme is voluntary.

However, SCOUTS SA encourages every Scout Group to participate willingly and see benefit through the self-assessment process to monitor their own improvement and achievement of the minimum Den, Pack, Patrol and Troop, Crew, as well as Group standards.

Key to this is regular follow-up discussions and visits, either in person or online by DC’s and STM’s with the SGLs and other Adult Leaders to offer their ongoing support in achieving the standards.


All Scout Groups existing at the start of the year of assessment are automatically eligible to participate in the Star Group Award Recognition Programme.

A newly established Scout Group that forms at any time during the year of assessment may submit a Star Award assessment form to be included in the year's assessment and will then become eligible for a recognition award, provided all criteria are met.


Every Scout Group should be reviewed annually for a Star Group Award, and the relevant forms completed. SCOUTS South Africa has indicated that the Star Award assessment is vital for the monitoring and ongoing development of the Scout Programme.

The Scout Group Leader should do a self-assessment of the Group’s performance, in consultation with the Scouters in all branches in the Group during a Group Scouter’s Council, to monitor improvement and achievement of the minimum Group standards.

The Star Award assessment sheet should be used as a guide for ongoing discussion between the SGL, Den, Pack, Troop and Rover Crew Leaders, District Commissioner and/or the Support Team Member to assess and monitor Group standards.

The comment column on the Star Award assessment sheet must be used to document details of all successes and any shortcomings within the Group that should be discussed in detail by the District Commissioner or Support Team Member with the Scout Group Leader.

The District Commissioner or Regional Support Team Member or his/her designate should carry out two Star Award reviews annually in consultation with the SGL as part of their quarterly Group visits or online interactions. It is recommended that the same person should carry out both Star Award reviews.

The final Star Group assessment sheets must be ratified by the District Commissioner or Support Team Member prior to submission to SCOUTS SA for Star Award recognition.

The assessments must be sent by the DC to the RTC Adult Support, with copies to the Regional Commissioner. Where a Region does not have an RTC Adult Support, it will go directly to the Regional Commissioner.

The Regional Commissioner should discuss with the District Commissioner the results of the aggregated scores for all the Groups in the District, which is in effect an assessment of how well the Scout Programme is being applied in the District and at Group level.

Participation Certificates are awarded to all Scout Groups who participate and submit their Star Group assessments. A Participation Certificate or a Bronze Award, Silver Award or Gold Award Certificate are awarded to the Scout Group depending on the number of disciplines achieved.

SCOUTS South Africa has recommended that should there be any reluctance from a Scout Group to participate in the Star Award Recognition Programme, the reason for this should be investigated by the District Commissioner and/or Support Team Member and feedback provided to the RTC: Adult Support and Regional Commissioner.

Deadline for Submission

The submission date for the final Star Award assessments is the first week of December, the specific date will be determined and advised at the beginning of each year.

See also