The First Lady Cub Master

Mrs M. L. E. White was the First Lady Cub Master in South Africa and established the first Wolf Cub Pack, 7th Cape Town (Gardens) in 1915. Cubbing officially started World wide in 1916, thus this makes 7th Cape Town Cub Pack the oldest in the World. The Pack showed its all-round efficiency by winning the Edwards Shield in 1919, being the first year of Cub Competition. In 1920 she took three Cubs to visit the 1920 Jamboree to represent Cubbing in South Africa.
She was the wife of Major P.F.F. White (Piffy) founder of and Scout Master of 7th Cape Town. Major White later went on to officially establish the first Coloured Pathfinders in 1934, with the first Coloured Troop opening in 1933.
She was also Sub Editor of the Wolf Cub section of the publication On Trek started 1919 and to quote the first editorial:-
"In it, as you see, special pages are devoted exclusively to Wolf Clubs, sub-edited by one I whom we think we may safely say is one of our keenest and most efficient lady Cub-Masters, C.M, Mrs. White, of the Gardens Pack. Mrs. White has been in the Cub movement, since it started in the Province; has been through all the trying, as well as the repaying periods, and is quite competent and willing to help others over the stile."
In 1926 the first Akela's course took place in the grounds of St John's Hostel with Mrs Carl Rayner in charge.
On the 1st of March 1967 'Snowy' White passed away in East London where she had been living for some time. One of the old Cubs, the Rev Hartley officiated at her funeral.
Scout Heritage