Train the trainer

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An important aspect of scouting is the need to pass the knowledge and skills on to the younger members of your patrol (or six). Learning-by-doing is key in to the scouting method

The EDGE method


  • Tell them how to do the job.
  • Explain the steps
  • Give written instructions.


  • Show how you do it.
  • Use videos and animation
  • Repeat the task a few times


  • Watch the scout do the task, correct as they go wrong
  • Allow the scouts to make the mistakes for themselves in a safe environment.
  • Challenge them to find other ways to achieve the same end.


  • Get them to teach someone else - teaching is a good way to test your knowledge.
  • Give the correct situation to use this new skill.
  • Where to find more information on the subject or skill.


Train the trainer