Troop Scouter

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The Troop Scouter or TS is the adult leader responsible for the leadership of a Scout Troop. This post is commonly referred to as a "scoutmaster" outside of Scouting.

Purpose of the Troop Scouter

To lead, manage and coordinate the effective implementation of the Scout Training Programme in the Troop, in accordance with SCOUTS South Africa (SSA) Constitution, Organisational Rules and Policies.

To develop and support and educate the Youth Members.

Functions of the Troop Scouter

The following functions of the Troop Scouter were outlined in the Scouts South Africa job description of the role:

  1. Manage and represent the Troop:
    1. Take full responsibility for the Troop as referred to in Organisational Rules.
    2. Attend Court of Honour (CoH) and Group Committee Meetings.
    3. Arrange and chair Troop Scouters' (TSs') Meetings as required to effectively deliver the Programme to the Youth.
    4. Ensure that Troop Meetings are properly and timeously planned and held on a weekly basis.
    5. Ensure that Troop Records are properly maintained and kept up-to-date; these should also be captured on or uploaded to the National Database. The TS is responsible for ensuring these are maintained.
    6. Ensure the active involvement of all Assistant Troop Scouters (ATSs) in activities and meetings.
    7. Review the outcomes of Star Troop and Patrol evaluations with the CoH to plan strategically for the improvements of the implementation of the Patrol System.
  2. Support and enable the activities in the Group:
    1. Implement an active Outdoor Programme, ensuring that sufficient camps and hikes are arranged so that each Scout has the opportunity to spend at least five nights in camp per annum.
    2. Promote and maintain good parent contact through best means available.
  3. Encouraging the growth of Scouting
    1. Actively support Group, District, Regional and National events and projects.
  4. Recruitment, Mentoring and Training:
    1. Ensure each new recruit is thoroughly trained in the Scout Promise and Law in preparation for Membership of the Troop.
    2. Ensure that the necessary camp and/or activities required for Cubs to complete the Link Badge are run.
    3. Train the Patrol Leaders (PLs) in their responsibilities through the CoH, ensuring that the Patrol is the unit in all activities.
    4. Ensure each Scout progresses, in accordance with age and ability, through the requirements of the Scout Programme.
    5. Grow the Troop through the recruitment of new members.
    6. Perform an annual Personal Development Review (PDR) with the ATSs.
  5. Whatever else the Scout Group Leader (SGL) might reasonably require of the TS in the best interests of SSA and the Troop.
  6. Undergo an annual PDR with the SGL.
