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Regional Team Coordinator – Meerkat Programme: Grant van Rooyen

Grant van Rooyen has been involved in Scouting for 21 years. He started as a Pack Helper in the Robin Hills Scout Group in the Randburg District and then went into uniform as an Assistant Pack Scouter for the Robin Hills Cub Pack. “It is my way of giving back to our youth of our country to make them better citizens for our wonderful country.” He holds a Cub Woodbadge. He has held the position of Assistant District Commissioner – Cub Programme for Randburg District for two years. Has recently been appointed District Commissioner for the Randburg District since 2018 and has now taken on the new role of Regional Team Coordinator – Meerkat Programme. Grant has been in the travel industry for the last 10 years and has worked abroad in the USA and has travelled extensively across the globe.