Wave Rider Scout Interest Badge

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Badge requirements

Wave Rider
Wave Rider
  1. Have passed the Swimming Scoutcraft Badge or complete all the requirements for it.
  2. Demonstrate how to care for a surfboard/body-board/paddle-ski.
  3. Discuss the local rules governing wave riding. There should be strong emphasis on safe practices, beach safety signals, courtesy, and etiquette in the water.
  4. This badge must be passed in a good surf break with recognised peaking waves which will enable the scout to recognise where the peaks are breaking and must position themselves correctly for take-off.
  5. Show control of your board in waves up to two metres high.
  6. Show understanding of weather conditions suitable for wave riding.
  7. Discuss with the examiner the condition of the surf.
  8. Show control of your board/ski in all sizes of waves (up to 1.5 metres) and accomplish 3 different turns within a single ride.
  9. Have logged at least 30 hours of surfing.
  10. Assist a fellow surfer who has lost their board back to shore.
  11. Know how competitions are judged.

Requirements in PDF

See also

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