Aviation Skills Scoutcraft Badge

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The activities in this badge will assist a scout to understand the basic knowledge of what is required before a flight can take place.

Badge requirements

Aviation Skills
Aviation Skills
  1. Discuss the proper conduct to adopt and the ordinary safety precautions to follow, when on an airfield and when near an aircraft.
  2. Explain how to be of practical help to a pilot by indicating wind direction by day and by night and by keeping the landing strip clear.
  3. Make up a scrapbook containing at least fifty pictures of different aircraft collected by yourself with brief synopsis of each, 30 pictures may be from the internet but at least 20 pictures must be your own.
  4. Point out the principle parts of an aircraft and the control surfaces. Explain how they function.
  5. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of taking off and landing into and out of the wind.
  6. Explain the aerodynamics of stalling.

Requirements in PDF

See also

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