Drone Operator Scoutcraft Badge

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Badge requirements

Drone Operator
Drone Operator
  1. Be able to differentiate between the different types of Remotely Piloted Aircraft
  2. Show a basic understanding of how two of the following Remotely Piloted Aircraft fly:
    1. Multi rotor
    2. Fixed wing
    3. Helicopter
  3. Have a discussion with the examiner about what Remotely Piloted Aircraft can be used for
  4. Explain to the examiner the laws associated with flying a Remotely Piloted Aircraft as a hobbyist.
  5. Show your understanding of the Remotely Piloted Aircraft laws in the form of a presentation to your patrol.
  6. Explain to the examiner what weather is deemed safe to fly in.
  7. Prepare the following:
    1. A pre-flight safety checklist
    2. An equipment checklist
    3. An onsite safety checklist
    4. A battery logbook

Requirements in PDF

See also

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