Frank "Kudu" Quinn

Frank Quinn was a Scouter in the early 1930's, and was a leader of the Adult Training team. The Quinn Trophy Scout competition was named after him. He Passed away on 16 September 1995.
Tribute to Frank Oliver 'Kudu' Quinn
"Cowboy" Quinn to generations of Sea Point schoolboys, but to Scouts he was 'Kudu'. A man of keen intellect and a sharp wit, he passed the acid test of Scouting in that Kudu was an excellent Scoutmaster with 1st Mowbray.
As Scouter at Mowbray in the early 1930's, Kudu rose between ranks from Assistant Pack Scouter, Assistant Troop Scouter, Troop Scouter, Group Scouter and Rover Scout Leader. He served Scouting in many roles, as producer of numerous Gang Shows and, in those seemingly far off days, he was Commissioner for African Scouts in the Cape Western Division.
When the four associations came together he was Cape Western's first Area Commissioner. For many years he was the editor of the Cape Western Scouter and later he was an Emeritus Commissioner who held the Order of the Silver Springbok.
He was highly regarded in his profession and was deeply committed to the Presbyterian Church, at one time holding its highest office. His Christian faith, his preparedness to serve, his sense of humour were all part of a package which showed the Scout way of life as a model. He exuded an unquestionable integrity.

For most of us we will remember him as a leader of the Cape Western Training Team. For it was on training courses that we came to know him for his teaching skills, his humour and the seriousness with which he took his responsibility of moulding the men and women who would influence the lives of Scouts. He understood 'rebels' and was a match for any type of youth.
"I did both my Scout and Rover Wood Badges under him and he became my guide, philosopher and friend. The advice he gave me I have never forgotten. He was a master of Goon humour and many were the conversations which we conducted in Goon mode. Yes, Scouting has given me rich friendships, and one such friendship was that with Kudu Quinn. I loved him, respected and admired him, how I wish that I had spent many more hours in his company. I believe that we in the Scout Movement will never really fully appreciate how much he contributed to Scouting and to our lives. Our deepest sympathy to Mrs Quinn; together we mourn his passing." - Garnet De La Hunt