Home Carer Scout Interest Badge

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Badge requirements

Home Carer
Home Carer
  1. Have passed the Home Carer Scoutcraft Badge and be prepared to demonstrate any of those requirements. OR Complete all the requirements for the Home Carer Scoutcraft Badge.
  2. Know the contact precautions to be taken when caring for an infectious disease including TB, MDR, XDR and infectious hepatitis in the home.
  3. Have knowledge of special diets and their preparation for sick people.
  4. Demonstrate and understand why:
    1. How to safely lift a person in the bed on your own and reason for good lifting technique.
    2. How to safely transfer a person from the bed to a chair.
    3. Explain the dynamics involved in good lifting techniques for you as the lifter and for the patient.
    4. Position a patient to prevent bedsores.
  5. Have knowledge on how to identify a specific illness e.g. TB, Hepatitis, etc.
    1. Know the precautions to be taken when caring for someone with this illness.
    2. Discuss cross infection and know how to prevent others in the home from being infected by this illness.
  6. Have knowledge of the special dietary requirements and the specific preparation and storage of foods for people who are:
    1. People who are HIV positive.
    2. People with diarrhoea.
    3. People with Diabetes.
    4. Elderly with Heart Failure.
    5. Babies.
  7. Have a knowledge of the dangers of dehydration:
    1. Demonstrate the correct preparation of Oral Rehydration Solution (not the packet but from scratch) and when it should be used.
    2. Explain how to identify dehydration in babies and young children and what to do while seeking medical treatment.
  8. Knowledge of normal range of temperature, pulse, and respiration.
  9. Visit a local home nurse / clinic and find out the kind of patients they nurse. Be prepared to discuss this with the examiner.
  10. Complete the remaining Friend requirement 8 not covered in the Scoutcraft Badge.

Requirements in PDF

See also