Lone and Deep Sea Rovers

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Because young adults in Scouting are encouraged to pursue careers and personal growth opportunities, provision has been made within the Scout Movement to provide the Rovering experience to young adults who, for a variety of reasons, are unable to realistically join a nearby Crew. Examples of such situations include moving to a remote town with no active Scout Groups, or taking up a permanent post in the armed forces.

These Lone Rovers are still required to be registered as members of SCOUTS South Africa, and are required to remain in communication with the Regional Rover Advisory Council and Regional Team Coordinator: Rover Programme.

Deep Sea Rovers

Deep Sea Rovers historically referred Lone Rovers with a background in Sea Scouts or with a permanent station in the merchant navy or South African Navy. Functionally, there is no difference between Deep Sea Rovers and Lone Rovers.

Lone Rover or Country Rover

With the ready availability of long-distance transport and telecommunications, it is easier for Rovers in remote locations to remain in contact with a Crew, rather than operate purely alone. For this reason, it is becoming increasingly common for Rovers who spend long periods of time away from their local Crews, such as merchant seamen, to prefer to be registered as a Country Rover, rather than a Lone Rover.

With the recent implementation of the Rover Advancement Programme, the need for a Crew's support to complete the journey to the BP Award has increased greatly. Lone Rovering should be the last option for a Rover candidate who cannot realistically be a Country Rover in an existing Crew.