Personal Growth Agreement (PGA)

At the end of each Advancement Level, you will complete a Personal Growth Agreement with your Troop Scouter. This allows you time to review the progress you have made so far in Scouts, and lets you plan for the future.
This is a great opportunity for your Troop Scouter to get to know you better, so you can also discuss things such as family, school, sports and hobbies. You should also discuss topical issues such as "gender equality and versatility of roles". During this time, you can discuss any problems you are having, within Scouts or outside of Scouts, and your Troop Scouter will listen and assist where they can.
Preparing for your PGA
You should prepare for your PGA by considering questions such as:
- What do I like best about Scouting?
- What would I like to do more of?
- Which bits am I not enjoying, and why not?
- Do I live up to the Promise and Law in everything I do, whether at Scouts, at home, at school, on the sports field, or just walking in the street?
- Am I sincere in fulfilling my religious observances?
- Am I an active member of my Patrol, and doing my fair share towards the Patrol's success?
- Do I listen to my Patrol Leader?
- Do I try to learn from the experience of my Patrol Leader?
- Do I get on with my other Patrol members?
- Do I take part in Patrol and Troop activities?
- Have I developed healthy habits to keep myself fit, both physically and mentally?
- Do I remember to thank my Patrol Leader and Troop Scouter after a particularly enjoyable meeting or outing?
- Do I appreciate that I'm a member of a worldwide movement?
- How do I want to grow and develop as a good person?
Planning for the next advancement level
You should use the PGA as a time to plan your next advancement level with your Troop Scouter. It is important to sit with the list of requirements and plan out dates and activities:
- Have a calendar to mark out when you will achieve bigger requirements such as camps and hikes.
- Discuss with your Troop Scouter what you need to do to prepare for these activities (e.g. permits, route planning)
- Plan out when you will be able to achieve Interest Badges by looking at your Regional badge course calendar. Are there any pre-requisites for the badges you want to achieve?