Rayner Trophy 1970 Report

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The following is the report for the Western Cape's Rayner Trophy competition of 1970:


Route: Du Toitskloof to Bainskloof

The Rayner Trophy for Senior Scouts was held over the weekend 14th/15th March, 1970 and the Teams met at the quarry at the top of du Toit's Kloof Pass at 2.30 p.m.

After the inspections, teams drew for the order of starting, and teams set out along the path to the Krom River Hut. Tests at a Gordons Shield camp are simple and staid compared with the knotting, a Compass Course, Time estimation, observation and making a compass out of a needle type that jumped out of bush along the hut path. At the Hut teams were examined in scorpion sting, resuscitation and roller bandaging.

The main test at the Hut was the cooking of Ham and Mushroom pancakes, mushroom and lamb Kebabs "en mouchette" and Crepes au Mocha. On the whole this was very well done, some being up to city restaurant standard.

Then the fun began, the main activity of the competition being a night hike through the mountains during which various obstacles and tests had to be overcome. These involved, code solving, First Aid in 60 seconds, constructing a rope ladder between 2 ropes slung 20 ft. apart 20 feet high in trees, Morse message flashed by lamp from the hillside, map setting and position finding and underwater diving for objects with a waterproof torch in the pool at the Witte River, Other tests included a jam-jar candle stunt, Teams then continued hiking down the Witte River Valley to camp near Hugo's House. Arrival time was approximately 4.30 a.m.

There was the usual diversion. One Team separated on the hike and 3 members were lost. The Chief Judge and Dr. Sinclair-Smith searched for them and found them further up the valley. The 3 team members and 2 judges then camped for the night where they were found. In the early morning they joined the rest at Hugo's House.

The weather was excellent throughout being on the warm side.

There were 19 teams competing, and the leading 4 were: -

1st 2nd Green & Sea Point 75
2nd 1st Pine lands 71
3rd 2nd Pine lands 71
4th 1st Green & Sea Point 66

Chief Judge: Colin Inglis