Rayner Trophy

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The form of the Rayner Trophy competition is a weekend of hiking from one base to another, with an overnight camp on the trail. It is aimed at Senior Scouts in the Western Cape. An annual competition (normally at the start of each year) since 1954, it has been held every year without fail, and was named in honour of and as a tribute to Carl "Serpent" Rayner, who was one of SA Scouting's 1908 founder members and main SA Adult Training initiator together with his wife.

About the Rayner Trophy

The Rayner Trophy, usually held in March in the Western Cape, is a senior Scout hiking competition. The competition usually starts at about noon on a Saturday, and ends late afternoon on Sunday. The start and end location is usually only disclosed on Saturday and Sunday respectively. The Chief Judge is also not disclosed until the start of the competition, all to make it more interesting.

The Scouts hike from base to base, with various activities along the way such as:

They may also be requires to complete various Spare Time Activities (STA) such as:

  • Drawing a panoramic sketch of an area
  • Completing a quiz about Scouting or current affairs
  • Carving something out of a bar of sunlight soap

They would usually be required to cook dinner and breakfast to be judged for points.

The history of the Rayner Trophy

Towards the end of 1953, a group of Commissioners decided to hold and introduce a separate competition for Senior Scouts, to compete for a new Trophy. It was hoped that this competition would give a lead and set a standard for Senior Scout activities in the Division (Western Cape Area). The form of the competition, which over the years has never changed, was to be a weekend of hiking from one base to another, with an overnight camp on the trail. Only one entry per Troop of 4 Scouts was allowed and the ages were restricted to not younger than 15 years and not yet 18 before the competition. The actual place of competing was to be kept secret until after the start, which many times never took place at the original place of meeting.

It was first competed for over the weekend 10 to 11 April 1954, hiking around farms in the Stellenbosch area, with an entry fee of 4/- (4 shillings, approximately 40 cents). Teams had to travel by train to Stellenbosch station for the start at 2pm sharp, in full uniform with staff, knotting rope, pencil, several sheets of half foolscap paper, sleeping kit of a waterproof sheet with sufficient blankets (there were no 'sleeping bags' yet), torch, 'camp' uniform and personal kit each.

Teams had to supply wax crayons, ingredients for a well balanced breakfast, 25 white cards 2" x 1" (inches convert to 5cm x 2.5cm), ½ pound (500g) Plaster of Paris, a sheet of drawing paper, nature study book (this was later to become a logbook), 50' (feet convert to about 17m) lariat laid rope 1½" (inch converted 3.7mm) circumference. All kit had to be carried in rucksacks (like a draw-string tent bag) or haversacks and total weight had not to average more than 30lbs (pounds converted 15kg) per team member. The first winners were 7th GASP.

The Chief Judges over the years have been many, Alex "Silver Fox" Maspero (Assist. Divisional Commissioner) was the first, followed by to mention a few; 'Fatty' Rutter, Frank "Kudu" Quinn, Colin Inglis, Reg Scott, 'Bunny' Bennington, Kevin Wall, Paddy Milner, Richard Goldschmidt, Errol Kotze, John Mutti, Kuba Miszewski, Buzz Macey, Charles Howell, Anton de Roo, Mark Smuts, David van Eyk, Gary Irwin, Peter Nieuveld and Nigel Forshaw.

Competitions have taken place in many locations with some many amazing themes, from Gilcape area, Du Toitskloof to Bainskloof, along many various beaches, Muizenberg to Kalk Bay, on and across Table Mountain range, once on bicycles around Elgin (the start place of this competition with a Siege of Mafeking theme was placed as an ad in the Saturday morning paper just before the competition), Tygerberg Hills, Wolseley area, Tokai to Simonstown, up the Witels River (this was a tough one), Kleinmond, Cape Point, Cederberg area and even on Robben Island. The 1984 Robben Island caused quite a stir when teams were dropped off in the ocean and had to swim about a kilometre with kit to the Island, simulating the British Falkland Island conflict at the time. Another was the 1995 'Skeleton Coast' re-enactment of the 'Duneden Star' survivors, getting huge publicity and newspaper coverage at the time as teams were put through ultimate survival challenges at Ysterfontein beach area.

An annual competition (normally at the start of each year) since 1954, it has been held every year without fail, and was named in honour of and as a tribute to Carl "Serpent" Rayner, who was one of SA Scouting's 1908 founder members and main SA Adult Training initiator together with his wife. Gilray Scout Training grounds in Grassy Park also bears 'Gilkela' (as Carls wife was known) and Rayner in the name in their honour.

1st Pinelands holds the record for the most wins over the years, with 22 wins.

Carl "Serpent" Rayner

See A Tribute to Carl "Serpent" Rayner to find out more about Carl Rayner's life.

Rayner Trophy Winners

Year Venue Judge Winners Photo
2024 Sir Lowry's Pass / Steenbras / Kogel Bay Michael Ketterer 1st Muizenberg
2023 Hottentots Holland Mountains

Started and ended at Nuweberg and overnighting at Landdroskop Hut. Bad weather was an issue, but Scouts came well prepared to counter rain and were in high spirits. The entry of 32 teams was the biggest number of teams we have had in many years.

Sean Wilbraham 1st Muizenberg
2022 Du Toitskloof Mountains

23 teams of Scouts hiked from the top of Du Toits Kloof to the Suurvlakte where they spent the night and then on day two hiked to the top of Krom River Peak and Krom River Dome and down to Hawequas Scout Adventure Centre. Temperatures were pleasant on day 1 but 35 degrees on Sunday coming down the ridge below the power lines into Hawequas.

Johann Harzon 2nd Fish Hoek
2021 Du Toitskloof Mountains

The route took the 21 teams of Scouts from the top of Du Toitskloof pass and on to the Suurvlakte, Krom River hut, Cascades and ended near the old road tunnel.

Conrad Thomas 1st Pinelands
2020 Hawequas

Held at Hawequas, great use was made on the first day of the new hiking loop starting at the dam, up to the Adirondack hut and joining the cycle track to descend via the northern most boundary at Hawequas. The second day comprised a loop across the Spruit River into the old MTO pine forest, Brooklyn Bridge an adventure kloofing walk down the Spruit River and loops in and around the Terraces and the next door farm.

Nigel Forshaw 1st Claremont
2019 Bainskloof / Hawequas

This year the competition took place from Bains Kloof across Canetsfontein and into Hawequas Scout Adventure Centre which was the overnight stop. The second day took Scouts south of Hawequas on a boomerang loop (back to Hawequas). The weather was very kind and in fact perfect cool conditions for this time of year. The theme of the competition was LNT (Leave no Trace).

David Bosch 1st Claremont
2018 Grotto Bay / Koeberg Nature Reserve

Scouts hiked 34km from Grotto Bay to the Koeberg Nature Reserve on the West Coast.

Devon Bowen 1st Claremont
2017 Highlands / Kleinmond

The competition took place in the Highlands/Kleinmond area. Well done to these three teams along with all the other Scouts who hiked through our stunning mountains.

Greg Stopford 1st Bergvliet
2016 Du Toitskloof / Bainskloof

The route started at the top of Du Toitskloof pass. The competitors hiked up the tar road to the car park at the top and camped on the Suurvlakte at the base of New Years Peak. The next day, the competition hiked down the old Limietberg trail to Junction Pool, the Spook House and to the old burnt down Limietberg hut. Here they got into the river, minus their packs and kloofed and swam their way to the end of the competition

Nigel Forshaw 1st Monte Vista
2015 Fish Hoek / Kirstenbosch Morgan Irwin 1st Pinelands
2014 Monteith / Kogelberg Mountains Tony Rebelo 1st Pinelands Error creating thumbnail: File with dimensions greater than 12.5 MP
2013 Glencairn / Smitswinkel Bay Thomas Schrick 1st Pinelands
2012 Assegaaiboskloof / Jonkershoek

Not far from Franschhoek is Robertsvlei, and this was the starting point of the competition with one of the first activities taking place in the nearby Berg River Dam. The teams hiked, with many tests along the way, up the Assegaaiboskloof to the overnight campsite. The next day it was over the mountain and down into the Jonkershoek valley with the hike ending at the carpark.

Nigel Forshaw 3rd Pinelands
2011 Noordhoek / Simon's Town Nimmy Abrahams 2nd Somerset West
2010 Hout Bay / Scout Mountain Club hut / Appleton / Sandvlei

Starting with a quick assembling Hout Bay beach and then off to Suikerbossie restaurant. From here they hiked up Llandudno ravine, along the twelve apostles and stopped for supper at the Scout hut. Then it was down Kasteelspoort and on to Appleton Campsite for the night. The next day they hiked down into the City for an 'Amazing Race' before boarding the train and travelling to Lakeside station. Once more up and down the mountain and finally ending at the Sea Scout Base.

Peter Statham 2nd Fish Hoek
2009 Bainskloof Nimmy Abrahams 2nd Somerset West
2008 Chapman's Peak / Hout Bay Beach

The route took teams from Chapman's Peak, with a long slog up Noordhoek Peak to the Silvermine Dam for water activities and supper, followed by a night descent to Tokai for some overnighting. Next morning up the Elephants Eye trail and along the contour path to Vlakkenberq and East Fort, ending with water activities on the Hout Bay Beach.

Tony Rebelo 2nd Somerset West
2007 Olifants River / Beaverlac

The theme was "Brownsea Island", and the competition was held in the Olifants River valley, near Beaverlac. The first day entailed hiking down a river with a series of spectacular pools. On the Sunday there came a scratchy descent into the Olifants river proper and the rest of the competition was a kloofing trip. Many Scouts found out that their packs were not water-proof which made life quite difficult with heavy water logged packs.

Nigel Forshaw 1st Hermanus
2006 Robben Island

A somewhat different format was that instead of having a set course with numerically ordered bases that everyone would follow with a designated time for sleeping and STA’s, they had 48 bases that they had to get to in 24 hours, in any order, planned by themselves.
Report and Photos

Peter Nieuveld 1st Durbanville
2005 Kleinmond / Betty's Bay via beach

After arriving at Kleinmond, the rest their day was spent at bases that were placed along the beach. Scout laws, Ground to Air signs, mapping, shelters, knots and other challenges. Sunday started off with more first aid and continued to mapping, crossing cold water; life lines and stretchers.

Gary Irwin 2nd Fish Hoek
2004 Kalk Bay / Glencairn David van Eyk 2nd Fish Hoek
2003 Villiersdorp

The Trophy was held in the mountains above Villiersdorp in the western most section of the Riviersonderend mountains. The hike started out on Boskloof which is an apple farm above Theewaterskloof Dam. The route then took the competition over Silver Stream, Ratelfontein and finished up on the farm Kleinfontein some 10km north of Villiersdorp. This was an entirely new area to the Rayner, totally unknown to the Scouts and was all on privately owned land.
Report and Photos

Nigel Forshaw 2nd Bergvliet
2002 De Kelders / Hermanus via beach Mark Smuts 1st Pinelands
2001 Table Mountain

This was a historical Rayner Trophy; in that it was the first time a Girl Scout team took part. Starting at Rhodes Memorial and on to Appleton for a few hours' sleep. Day two was up Devils Peak with a numerous bases that tested their Scouting skills, ending at Constantia Nek.

Anton de Roo 3rd Pinelands
2000 Kleinmond / Betty's Bay

The mountains behind Kleinmond were the bases for the Saturday programme and the overnight camp was alongside the Palmiet River. Then it was along the Betty's Bay coastline passing Davidskraal and Stoney Point to the closing ceremony.

Richard Goldschmidt 1st Pinelands
1999 Karbonkelberg

Starting at 'Fish on the Rocks' in Hout Bay the teams followed the coastal path around to Duiker Island, then up through the saddle to join the road to the Radar Station. Here they overnighted before heading to Suther Peak, then on to the Rocket Station and Ouderschip, ending at Sandy Bay.

Charles Howell 1st Pinelands
1998 Witels

The Witels Kloof had last been used for the Rayner 26 years ago in 1972. The competition started in Michell's Pass from where the teams entered the spectacular Els River Gorge.

Kuba Miszewski 1st Pinelands
1997 Simonstown / Cape Point

Meeting at the Just Nuisance statue in Simonstown, the hike took them up to Swartkop Peak, via the old blockhouse. Following the ridge with its spectacular views, they headed in the direction of Smitswinkel Bay and camped at the old Forestry Station. On Sunday the teams entered Cape Point Nature Reserve traveling all along the eastern coastline with many more tests. The closing ceremony was at Platbos

Peter Foster 1st Pinelands
1996 Grabouw / Nuweberg

After rain and safety concerns shortened the 1992 competitor, Richard was now able to cover the full route as originally planed. The theme was James Bond and Goldeneye and friendly Russian spies.
Report and Photos

Richard Goldschmidt 1st Pinelands
1995 Yzerfontein / Silwerstroom Beach

Due to a last-minute refusal by authorities to use the planed area, it was decided to rerun the 1986 competition where the patrols formed part of a team sent to rescue survivors from a 1942 ship wreak (Dunedin Star) on the Namibian coast. The West Coast shoreline once again provided an authentic environment for the many tasks.
Report and photos

Buzz Macey 1st Pinelands
1994 Bainskloof / Tweede Tol

The competition was held in the Tweede Tol area of the Bains Kloof. The theme was computers and each participant became a "bit" of information, the team became a "byte". Saturday the teams hiked up the river valley doing tests such as knotting, quiz, retrieving a floppy disk from across a mountain pool, travelling up river rapids and waterfalls, circling through the mountains to return to Tweede Tol. Sunday, they crossed the Witte river and proceeded along the mountain path that leads to Klein Bobbejaanrivier Kloof doing tests that involved them in swimming in the pools, such as underwater orienteering.
Report and Photos

Richard Goldschmidt 2nd Kenridge
1993 Noordhoek Peak / Vlakkenberg / Hout Bay

The theme was based on the book and film, 'The Hobbit' and the competition, like the story took the form of an episodic quest. Bilbo Baggins (the Chief Judge) set out the journey, but the many challenges were of course of a Scouting nature.

Kuba Miszewski 1st Durbanville
1992 Grabouw / Nuweberg

Eikenhof Dam was the starting point, but by 18:00 the rain was incessant causing a number of changes and switching to Plan B. For safety reasons the route was shortened, however most of the tests were completed to arrive at the endpoint, Nuweberg Forrest Station on time.
Report and Photos

Richard Goldschmidt 2nd Kenridge
1991 Grabouw / Houw Hoek / Lebanon

Starting at the historic Houw Hoek Inn the route up the hillside behind the Inn was more of a steep bushwhack than a hike. Sunday morning was yet more steep uphill and after lunch the heavens opened up. Fortunately, from the lunch spot it was all downhill in the pouring rain making the use of pen or pencil difficult at the quizzes.

Peter Foster 2nd Hout Bay
1990 Elgin Valley on Bicycles

Teams met with their bicycles at Elgin Station and spent the Saturday on the northern side of the N2 in the Nuweberg Forest. Cycling up Viljoen's Pass and into the forest, tests were aplenty and their overnight campsite was near Eikenhof Dam. Sunday was on the southern side of the N2, traveling along the Appletiser, Highlands and Elgin Valley roads where they encountered all the various bases to test their skills.

Goldschmidt, Kotze, Mutti 1st Durbanville
1989 Bainskloof / Baviaanspoort

Twenty-nine teams set off down to the river behind the ruins of the old Bains Kloof Hotel and then boulder hopped upstream, with many tests en route to Hugo's House for supper. Then it was back, via a gravel road and more tests, to the campsite opposite the Hotel. Early Sunday morning the teams hiked up the Baviaanskloof valley, dropping down into the river where they could rest, whilst cooking cheese omelettes for breakfast on cardboard and wax stoves. Then on to the waterfall before returning to the starting point.
Report and photos

Richard Goldschmidt 1st Pinelands
1988 Hawequas / Du Toitskloof Tunnel

A start with a difference was the train ride from Cape Town to Wellington and then walking to Hawequas with 'events' along the way and where they camped overnight. Sunday was the tough hike up to the top of Du Toitskloof pass and then on to the area around the Krom River hut, ending at the tunnel exit.

John Mutti 2nd Somerset West
1987 Tokai / Simonstown

Starting at the Tokai Forest Station, the route took the teams uphill, via several tests, to the Elephant's Eye cave. From there they hiked to the Silvermine Reservoir. Teams were then transported to the heights above Glencairn. Here hiking resumed taking the teams around the dams and ending on Red Hill above Simonstown.

Kevin Wall 1st Pinelands
1986 Yzerfontein / Silwerstroom Beach

The patrols formed part of a team sent to rescue survivors from a 1942 ship wreak (Dunedin Star) on the Namibian coast. The West Coast shoreline provided an authentic environment for the many tasks.
Report and photos

John Mutti 1st Pinelands
1985 Bainskloof / Tweede Tol

Twenty-one teams rendezvoused at Eerste Tol at the top of the pass and proceeded to Tweede Tol where they hiked up Wolwekloof to the summit-ridge. Sunday's hike took them to Klein-bobbejaanrivier where teams warmed their frankfurters on a parabolic solar cooker, relaxing next to a beautiful natural swimming pool.

Michael Sage 1st Pinelands
1984 Robben Island

Based on the theme of the Falkland Island conflict between Britain and Argentina, it started in earnest when the Robben Island ferry docked in Murray's harbour. The Judges went down the gang plank on the one side of the ship and the teams got into the water on the opposite side. They then swam to the 'landing' beach on the other side of the harbour pulling their kit with them through the water to begin their 'seaborne invasion'.

John Mutti 1st Somerset West
1983 Wolseley

The location for this year's competition was the Suurvlakte Valley, which lies in the mountains between Wolseley and the Voelvlei Dam.

Richard Goldschmidt 1st Somerset West
1982 Du Toitskloof / Krom River

Starting on the Worcester side of the Du Toitskloof tunnel, the teams hiked up the Lower Krom River to the waterfall pool. Here they scaled the cliff face to emerge on the plateau for the overnight campsite. On the Sunday they climbed Krom River Dome before returning to the starting point.
Report and photos

Kevin Wall 2nd Rondebosch
1981 Grabouw / Steenbras Kloof

Starting from the N2 National Road the teams hiked into the Grabouw forest and on the Sunday hiked down the Steenbras ravine.

Errol Kotze 1st Pinelands
1980 Elgin / Bot River on Bicycles

The Highlands Forest Reserve between Elgin and Bot River was the location for this year's competition. Also new was the use of bicycles get from one activity centre to the next along the quiet farm roads.
Report and Photos

Errol Kotze 1st Pinelands
1979 Sir Lowry's Pass / Nuweberg

The teams started at Steenbras Station and a short walk brought them to the top of the old Gantouw Pass. They then followed the tree line with a beautiful panorama overlooking Eikenhof Dam which was their overnight campsite. Early Sunday teams set off in heavy rain hiking through the Nuweberg and passed up into the Kathleen Murray Reserve before dropping to the lunch-spot at Pofadder Pool in the Riviersonderend Kloof.

P Milner 12th GASP
1978 Bainskloof / Du Toitskloof

The competition was held in the Hawequas mountains starting behind the Bain's Kloof Hotel. The route was up the Witte River to an overnight campsite near Hugo's House. Next morning teams hiked up to the Krom River hut, around the Dome and down the Cascades Ridge route to the Du Toitskloof tunnel.

Richard Goldschmidt 1st Pinelands
1977 Nuweberg

Held in the Nuweberg Mountains near Elgin the competition consisted of a hike up the access road to the Hiking Trail hut for the overnight campsite and then the descent of the Riviersonderend kloof back to the Forest Station on the Sunday. Theme was based on a WW2 German plan to kidnap Winston Churchill.

Richard Goldschmidt 1st Pinelands
1976 Swartklip Cape Flats

The competition area provided a contrast to the last few years in order to provide the boys with something different. The terrain comprised sand dunes, vlakte and to a lesser extent certain marshy vlei-land. This allowed the competition to be run in a circular fashion with five bases equidistant from a centre point and equidistant from each other. The area supported a variety of vegetation, an abundance of bird life and several species of buck.

Norman Osborne 2nd Rondebosch
1975 Riviersonderend Kloof / Nuweberg

Starting at the Nuweberg Forest Station, Saturday with its tests set the teams up to be in position for the Sunday when they went kloofing down the Riviersonderend. There were four places where patrols had to swim long pools in order to progress down the kloof and there were two jumps (one of them four metres into a deep pool) and two short stretches or rock descent using a rope.

Kevin Wall 3rd Pinelands
1974 Silvermine / Red Hill

Patrols hiked with full kit from Tokai Manor House up to the Elephants Eye Cave and across the plateau to the Silvermine Reservoir, where supper was cooked. The route then continued across Ou Kaapse Weg, past the waterfall, onto the eastern side of the Silvermine Valley, and down to the sleeping area at the Groot Silvermyn farm. The competition ended at the old Botha camp on Red Hill where the presentations were made.

Kevin Wall 2nd Rondebosch
1973 Fisantekraal Airport

A start with a difference was upon arriving at Cape Town International Airport, the teams boarded a Dakota aircraft and were flown by to Fisantekraal airfield for the rest of the competition.

Colin Inglis 1st Pinelands
1972 Witels

The competition started in Michell's Pass from where the teams entered the spectacular Els River Gorge. The extremely bad weather with high winds, heavy rain, thunder and lightning made this Rayner a particularly tough one. Consequently, the teams were able to decide how far up the valley they went and as expected that only the very best ones completed the whole journey.

K "Bunny" Bennington 1st Pinelands
1971 Tygerberg Hills

The competition started with a rescue on Milnerton beach and then most of the "Incidents" took place on Sir de Villiers Graaff's farm De Grendel, and in the surrounding Tygerberg hills.

Reginald "Reg" Scott 1st GASP
1970 Du Toitskloof / Bainskloof

Teams met at the top of Du Toitskloof Pass at 2.30 p.m. and after the inspections, set out along the path to the Krom River Hut. The main activity of the competition was a night hike through the mountains during which various obstacles and tests had to be overcome.

Colin Inglis 2nd GASP
1969 Elandskloof / Du Toitskloof

Held in the Du Toitskloof mountains, the Scouts proceeded from the National Road up to Fizantakraal campsite and on the Sunday hiked down the Elandskloof back to the road. The general theme of the camp was that the Scouts were members of the Green Berets, an American Commando force.

Alan Gooch 2nd Pinelands
1968 Melkbosstrand Beach

The theme this year was a marooned crew of the pirate Captain Morgan who were left on a desolate coast on Duinefontein some distance north from Melkbosstrand. The main exercise was a night compass orienteering hike with six legs, during which many of the tests were made.

Colin Inglis 1st Worcester
1967 Franschhoek / Grabouw on Bicycles

Starting at the top of Franschhoek Pass, the teams hiked into the mountains to tackle various Obstacle Tests, then down into a river, and along its bed for about two miles. They then left the river and collected bicycles. Three miles of riding took them to their camping spot. The next day teams cycled more than 25 miles to Elgin traveling over Viljoen's Pass.

Colin Inglis 2nd GASP
1966 Du Toitskloof / Bainskloof

The main body of the competition this year comprised a very tough night hike across the mountains during which teams carried out tests and overcame obstacles. This to date was the most strenuous and tough Rayner Trophy that had ever been held.

Colin Inglis 1st Worcester
1965 Muizenberg / Kalk Bay Caves

Silvermine Nature Reserve was the venue for the competition with the Scouts starting off at Muizenberg station. They hiked up to Boomslang Cave and after passing through it had to draw a sketch map of their route in the cave. The overnight campsite was in the reserve and Sunday lunch was on the banks of the reservoir.

Michael Hall 1st Meadowridge
1964 Du Toitskloof / Kromrivier

Although knowledge of how to find True South was lacking, the backwoods cooking and night incident were very well handled. In fact, the judges had a difficult time to sort out such a lot of very efficient teams.

Colin Inglis 2nd Rondebosch
1963 Elandskloof / Du Toitskloof

Held in the Du Toitskloof mountains, the Scouts hiked from the N1 to Fizantakraal campsite and on the Sunday scrambled down the Elandskloof. The general theme of the camp was that of WW2 Chindit Patrols fighting the Japanese in Burma, the Night Operations were an important feature of the competition.

Colin Inglis 1st Pinelands
1962 Bainskloof

The competition consisted of a tough but interesting hike up the Witte River from Bains Kloof Hotel to the campsite in the Witte River Valley. It was an ideal site in a mountain setting with a large pool and grove of trees for campsites.

Colin Inglis 7th GASP
1961 Melkbosstrand Beach

The competition, based on the 1942 running aground of the Dunedin Star, took the form of a shipwreck on the desolate coast of South West Africa (Namibia) 'Skeleton Coast' and tests were designed to use the skills necessary to survive in such circumstances.

Colin Inglis 1st Pinelands
1960 Du Toitskloof / Bainskloof

In an attempt to provide a new site for the competition over reasonably remote and tough country, the competition took place in the mountainous area between the top of Du Toitskloof and the Bains Kloof Hotel. Commencing at Du Toitskloof the teams were faced with several tests on their hike to the Krom Rivier Hut. On Sunday morning the teams left at intervals for a hike down the Witte River Valley to the Bains Kloof Hotel where the competition ended.

Colin Inglis 2nd GASP
1959 Cape Flats / Gilcape E "Fatty" Rutter 2nd GASP
1958 Kraaifontein / Gilcape

The 10 teams met at Kraaifontein Station and after a long hike during which they had to lower an injured patient down a 50 ft. sheer quarry face the Scouts eventually arrived at Gilcape. Here they had to construct a bivouac the efficiency of which was really put to the test by heavy rain during Saturday night and all-day Sunday.

E "Fatty" Rutter 2nd GASP
1957 Gilcape

This year there were ten entries for the competition. In view of the fact that the restriction on efficiency imposed the previous year was withdrawn, and only the over 15 rule, the attendance was still very disappointing. However, the spirit throughout the competition was good.

Frank "Kudu" Quinn 2nd Rondebosch
1956 Gilcape

Due to the entry criteria being only Scouts over 15 and two 1st Class Scouts, the competition was limited to only six teams and consequently, rather disappointing from all points of view. Hikes were in the surrounding farmlands.

E "Fatty" Rutter 1st Bellville
1955 Gilcape

There were no service or efficiency qualifications, but the aim was that Scouts held the First Class Badge and had camping and hiking experience. Hikes were in the surrounding Eerste River farmlands.

Alex Maspero 7th GASP
1954 Stellenbosch

Although Scouts of all ages had been participating in the Gordon Shield competition, the leadership believed that there was a need to hold a separate and more challenging competition for Senior Scouts. For the first Rayner, the 16 teams travelled by train to Stellenbosch station and hiked around farms in the Stellenbosch area.

Alex Maspero 7th GASP

Photo Gallery

See also