Rayner Trophy 1973 Report
The following is the report for the Western Cape's Rayner Trophy competition of 1973:
Route: By Dakota to Fisantekraal Airfield
This year's Rayner Trophy Competition was held over the weekend March 10th/11th. The theme was the defence of the perimeter of an aerodrome against terrorists. To get the 120 Scouts of the 30 competing teams in the right mood, they were flown in Dakotas from D.F. Malan Airport (Cape Town, Ed.), to Fisantekraal aerodrome. Our thanks go to Mr. Ce. Harris and the staff of the Air Cape for their help in this connection.
Teams were given various tasks to do while awaiting their turn to fly. When the teams were safely at Fisantekraal, they moved off on a hike around the perimeter tackling various tests on the way. After making camp Patrols moved off on team stunts which kept them busy until the early hours. Without warning the terrorists, (Rover Scouts) attacked the aerodrome firing flares and crackers. The Scouts organised themselves and had most of the terrorists captured and under guard quickly.
A few hours' sleep and the teams were busy making Bivouacs and Camouflage Suits. After breakfast Sunday was spent tackling the activities on eight bases; teams could visit these in any order from 10 a.m. to 4p.m. These tests were in the form of a Skillorama including dealing with a fit, estimation, finding the terrorists' hidden treasure, first aid, rope work. The making of a plaster cast of a bare footprint supposed to be that of a terrorist, one team enquired where they could find a "bear's" footprint. Lunch was cooked of chicken, 2 veg. and fruit crumble, to an excellent standard by all teams.
Contrary to the rumour the Chief Judge did not, arrange for the light aeroplane to crash and burn itself out at the end of a nearby runway. Assistance was offered to fight the bush fire which resulted from the plane crash. The local fire services were soon on the scene and our assistance was not required.
At 5.30 p.m. 120 boys received the results of a weekend spent differently for all of them.
- 1st Pinelands 80%
- 1st Parow 78%
- 2nd Pinelands 77%
- 1st Claremont 74%
- 1st Somerset West 73%
Chief Judge: Colin Inglis