Rover Rambler's Award

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The Rambler's Award is one of the Rover Proficiency Awards that a Rover can earn. The requirements are as follows:

  1. Demonstrate that you are competent to instruct or examine in one of the following Scout Interest Badges: Veldcraft, Mapping, Cook, Guide or Hiker. (You need not be required to act as an instructor or examiner).
  2. Plan a series of hikes of not less than 25km each with an aggregate of 125km and involving not less than three nights camping. Submit your plan to the Rover Scout Leader and Crew for approval. The hikes, which must avoid made roads and to a large extent be cross-country, must be of a standard to test endurance, self-reliance, initiative, and determination. (Where actual mountaineering or particularly difficult country is to be covered, the aggregate distance may be proportionately reduced at the discretion of the District Commissioner).
  3. Carry out the planned hikes and submit a log which shall give dates, places, and distances, and such other information as will not only interest other hikers but enable them to follow the route taken. Notes on nature development, etc should be included. No detailed map of the route is required, but sketch maps must be included to cover all difficult and interesting points on the route.