Rover World Moot:1953 Report

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Kandersteg, Switzerland: 5th World Rover Moot

3300 Participants from 38 Countries including 30 South Africans

The South African Contingent to the 5th World Rover Moot has returned and like all previous contingents, they have had a wonderful time. We are indebted to one of the contingent for this report on the trip.

The voyage was uneventful; the Rovers took part in all the activities and acquitted themselves well; they organised a Sunday School for the children and gave some entertainment at the ship's concert.

While in London they lived in the "Discovery" and the first few days were spent wandering round those places so familiar by name to most South Africans. I.H.Q. was thoroughly explored, B-P's room being the chief place of interest.

The contingent left for Switzerland on Tuesday, 28th July 1953 taking a train from Victoria to Folkstone and thence across the channel to Boulogne where they arrived at 7.30 p.m. They left by train and had to put up with the usual type of accommodation on those trains, now all that they had heard from the 1951 Jamboree Contingent was being experienced. Arriving at Kandersteg at 11 a.m. the following morning they were met by the Swiss Chief Scout and the Camp Chief and were shown their camp site.

The following day it was still raining, having started the previous afternoon. This day was spent getting the camp in order, the Canadians being at the same sub-camp soon became fast friends to our fellows, the Egyptians were most helpful with the loans of tools, etc.

On the Friday came the first discussions. After a hike up the mountainside, the first subject was tackled "A Rover as the head of the Family" after lunch the subject was "The Rover and Service". That evening there was a film show and a sing-song.

August 1st is the Swiss National Day and the Rovers went on an excursion. From Kandersteg they went by train to Interlaken, then by rack-train to Schnige-Platte; the scenery here is marvellous and some good views were obtained of the Jungfrau range. Returning by rack-train to Thun, they continued by lake steamer to Spilz end thence to Kandersteg.

During the period of the camp the South Africans had a rugby "test" match against the British Isles. A large number of spectators enjoyed the match and so did the players; the final score was 15 6 in our favour. One day was set aside for service to the community. The Canadians and our Rovers did their job together.

During the Moot opportunities were given for hikes, sightseeing trips and there were campfires. At one of the campfires our Rovers sung four songs -..Saris Marais, Kiewiet, Suikerbossie and the special S.A. Moot song.

After the Moot the contingent broke up while Rovers went various ways sightseeing. Bob Nuns, Leader of the Contingent, went to Lichtenstein, for a four-day conference. Others visited Italy, Germany, Sweden, Norway, Holland and France.

A large amount was crammed in by everyone and much was learnt by all. Rovering should benefit by this Moot and we hope that those who were privileged to represent South Africa will spread the spirit with which they were imbued over there.

See Also