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SDG 5 is: "Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls." All humans are born equal no matter their gender. It's our duty to make sure that women and men have equal opportunities and rights in every part of life. When women are empowered, the entire society benefits. This is an SDG badge.

Meerkat requirements

As Meerkats we should always “Try our Best” in all we do, and know that girls and boys are created equal. Do 2 of these:

  1. Do your very best to achieve the Keep Fit badge. It doesn’t matter if you are a girl or a boy, as you both work equally hard to get your badge. Work against stereotyping.
  2. Do the Little Helper badge and show how clever you are at household chores.
  3. Listen to one of these stories and discuss who is doing the right or the wrong thing.

Cub requirements

This was part of the 2020 National Cub Challenge.

  1. Encourage the Cubs to earn the Diversity Awareness Badge by running an ‘Orange Day’ programme/activity on/near the 25th of a month.

Scout requirements

Complete THREE of the following:

  1. Research and create a poster to educate a Patrol on child marriages and why it is important for a girl to have a right to not marry early.
  2. Be aware of gender stereotypes in everyday life and at a Troop meeting perform a skit, with your Patrol, doing tasks that are typically associated with the opposite gender. Hold a group discussion with the Troop on the experience.
  3. Raise your voice against violence and harassment. Create a poster/vlog/blog. Share your campaign with your Patrol and the Troop.
  4. Earn the Diversity Awareness Badge.
  5. Complete the activities in the HeForShe toolkit. Commit to being an ambassador for gender equality in Scouting.

Rover requirements

Complete THREE of the following:

  1. Research and present to your Crew the challenges gender roles play as a youth in South Africa.
  2. In the form of an interactive presentation present to your Crew how the gender pay gap has evolved and how it is present in society.
  3. Raise your voice against violence and harassment – create a Social Media campaign to educate youth about violence and harassment. Share your campaign with your Crew and the Troop.
  4. Earn the Diversity Awareness Badge.
  5. Complete the activities in the HeForShe toolkit – commit to being an ambassador for gender equality in Scouting.

Adult requirements

SECTION ONE: Complete ONE challenge:

  1. Complete the Diversity Awareness Badge.
  2. Click on this link or search for a suitable documentary/movie that focuses on gender equality and watch it. Can you identify any gender inequalities? What did you identify? Can they be overcome in our cultural environment and if so, how? Would these changes need a governmental change? Discuss in full with the Scouters in your District or Region.
    1. What is the difference between "gender disadvantaged" and "gender equality"? Give the definition of both and explain how overcoming the one will bring about the other.
    2. Investigate if/how the world has changed regarding gender equality over the past 20 years? Explain your answer, giving examples.
  3. Below is the world map on gender parity in 2016. Analyse and explain:

   Parity = the state or condition of being equal, especially regarding status/pay.
   Disparity = lack of similarity or equality; inequality; difference.
  • Why would there be disparity in any of these countries?
    • Discuss 6 countries or 3 continents with different disparities.
    • What factors contribute to disparity?
    • Does the economy have any contribution?
    • Is culture involved?
    • Is historical favour?
  • Should these disparities be addressed and if so, how?
  • Does economic wealth of the country have anything to do with parity?
  • What is different about countries that have parity to those that do not?
  • Is there anything else that you have noticed?

SECTION TWO: Complete ONE challenge:

  1. Fifty years from now, do you envisage gender equality to be a problem? If so, where will the biggest problem be? Motivate and justify your answer.
  2. If possible, take part in promoting “16 days of Activism” at work. This is an annual event that usually takes place towards the end of November each year. It strives to bring about awareness and help fight and eradicate violence against women and children. Show how you have been involved to showcase this event.
  3. Invite a speaker to your place of work, to a District meeting or to a Pack Scouters or Troop Scouters meeting, to talk on gender equality. This could include topics under the headings of (amongst others) gender violence, child abuse, or gender equality.

See also