Veldcraft Scout Interest Badge

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Badge requirements

  1. Have passed the Observation Scoutcraft Badge or complete all the requirements for it.
  2. After a 15-minute walk set by the examiner through unfamiliar countryside, answer question on what you have seen.
  3. Cross a kilometre of open country in daylight without being detected by the examiner. During the exercise use, should be made of the rules of stalking; the methods of progression in stalking; camouflage; wind; shadow and background.
  4. Approach at night unseen and unheard within a reasonable distance of the examiner whose position is known.
  5. Lead a group of 5 Scouts in shadowing an observer for more than 3 kilometres without being detected. Report on their actions on your return.
  6. Solve with reasonable accuracy two tracking stories in sand, snow, or other suitable surface, during which the basic tracking rules are demonstrated. The tracks should include human footprints with and without shoes, and bicycle or motor vehicle tracks.
  7. Identify the spoor of 8 wild animals shown to you by the examiner (pictures may be used) and record the spoor of 5 wild animals. In recording the spoor of animals, plaster casts, photographs or sketches may be used.

Requirements in PDF

See also

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