Virtual Aviator Scout Interest Badge

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Badge requirements

Virtual Aviator
Virtual Aviator
  1. Have passed the Computer Pilot Scoutcraft Badge and be prepared to demonstrate any of those requirements. OR Complete all the requirements for the Computer Pilot Scoutcraft Badge.
  2. Be able to fly a basic circuit in a non-combat Flight Simulator (such as Microsoft Flight Simulator 2000,2002 and 2004 or X-Plane) in a complex type twin turboprop aircraft (such as the Beechcraft King-Air B350).
  3. Fly a virtual VFR flight of at least 100km under VFR conditions with either the examiner acting as ATC or connected to IVAO or VATSIM under a virtual ATC. You may not use the GPS for navigation. You need to navigate using VOR's and NDB's. You may not use the Autopilot.
  4. Fly a virtual IFR flight of at least 600km under IFR conditions with either the examiner acting as ATC or connected to IVAO ( or VATSIM under a virtual ATC. You may not use the GPS for navigation, you need to navigate using VOR's and NDB's. You may use the Autopilot. You may use a jet aircraft if you wish (such as the Learjet).
  5. Do one of the following.
    1. Belong to a virtual airline and have at least 50 hours of flying time.
    2. Have at least 50 hours of flying time on either IVAO ( or VATSIM (
    3. Have at least 300 hours of flying time logged with Flight Simulator, in the Flight Simulator logbook.

Requirements in PDF

Additional links

See also

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