Western Cape Jamborees: 1977 Report
Maynardville: Scout-A-Rama

After a week of impenitent drizzle, the members of six Guide Companies and eighteen Scout Groups heaved a sigh of relief when Saturday 15th October dawned bright and clear, heralding a perfect day for Scout-A-Rama, a presentation devised by the Scouters of CW 9 and presented by the 750 boys and girls of CW 9 and CW 36 Scout Districts, and Constantiaberg and Plumstead Guide Districts.
We were privileged to have the Chief Scout of South Africa, Mr Colin Inglis, and the Provincial Commissioner of Guides, Mrs Doreen Haddow, present at the opening by Deputy Mayor, Councillor Kreiner, who was introduced by Western Province Divisional Commissioner, Mr Garnet de la Hunt. The Mayor was led on by the Coloured Scout Band.

Ten months of planning and meetings preceded the event. By June, Group tasks had been allocated and work had started on preparation for individual static and active displays.
The main static display consisted of a 23 x 9 metre scaffold built construction housing 22 exhibits depicting a boy's path through Cubs and Scouts. This gave, in visual form, an excellent idea of 'What a boy had to achieve during his Scouting days, and the fun to be had in doing so'. Incorporated in this were three slide projectors and one cine, with a first-aid lecture demonstration.
Other static displays were well-constructed camp sites by Scouts and Guides, and numerous pioneering projects including a 10 metre stilt tower and a 12 metre paraboloid gateway, plus continuous films, a J.O.T.A. station, and a Cub litter and conservation display.
In the arena fun activities predominated. In tent-pitching, bridge-building, and obstacle courses, Scouts and Guides participated side by side. Cub handicrafts were of a high standard. First-aid demonstrations were horribly realistic. The finale, preceded by a noisy Cub sing-song, was a Grand How involving over 200 Cubs, attended by all Scouts and Guides. During the day a special scarf with woven badge was worn by all present.
A wide range of foods were on offer by Group Committees, whose revenue helped finance the cost of the day. External contributions included an ox-braai, put on to satisfy our evening hunger by Peninsula Round Table, to the music of the Dukes Military Band.
One of our objectives was to recruit new members. In this we met with only partial success, but Scout-A-Rama succeeded in that:
- We proved that a task as big as this can be achieved if everyone works together.
- A strong link has been forged between the Scouts of CW 9 (White) and CW 36 (Coloured) and the local Guide Companies. Scouting and Guiding is now co-operative at all levels in our area.
- The presence of a large number of the public through an improved awareness of Scouting in the District.
- Co-operation within the District has never been stronger.
District Commissioner CW 9