District Commissioner

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To support the Groups in the District to achieve a high standard of Scouting through the application of the aims, methods and values of SCOUTS South Africa (SSA) in accordance with the rules as described in SSA Constitution, Organisational Rules (OR) and Policies, as revised from time to time.

To protect and ensure the good standing of SSA in the Community.


  1. Support Scout Groups:
    1. To represent SSA in the District by visiting, supporting and advising Groups, their Units and their Scout Group Leader (SGL). Advising the Group Committee on how to conduct themselves.
    2. To coordinate support for Groups from the members of the Regional Support Teams, through the Regional Coordinators.
    3. To attend Regional Meetings to give feedback of District to RC and likewise receive information of Region to disseminate to their Districts.
    4. To encourage all Scouters to attend training
  2. Support and enable the activities in the District:
    1. Facilitating the harmonious co-operation of the Groups and Scouters in the District.
    2. Being responsible, in consultation with the SGLs, for the mentoring of all Adult Members in the District.
    3. In consultation with the SGLs, the acquisition, integration, training, and personal development of Adult Leaders.
    4. Working with groups and members to assist, train, mentor and make the groups more effective.
    5. Working with groups in distress to assist their recovery and development.
  3. Protect the reputation and good standing of SSA in the District:
    1. Maintaining a contact list of qualified Badge Examiners approved by the National Youth Programme Team Member assigned to the District.
    2. Exercising control over all SCOUTS visiting the District.
    3. Supervising Group finances, in consultation with the Regional Financial Representative.
    4. Ensuring that all assets in the District are vested and managed in accordance with SSA Property Policy and SSA Finance, Fundraising and Administration Policy.
    5. Informing the Regional Commissioner (RC) of any disputes within 48 hours of becoming aware of such.
  4. Encouraging the growth of Scouting in the District:
    1. Encouraging the formation of Groups.
    2. Securing the effective working of new groups.
    3. Promoting and encouraging the award process as well as proposing Youth and Adult Members for awards.
    4. Assist SGLs to identify the training required by the Scouters in their Group and where it can be obtained.
    5. Facilitating activities in the Groups, such as District Badge Courses and events.
    6. Holding regular District Team Meetings to maintain communication with the Regional Team Member sand between Groups in the District.
    7. Ensuring Groups and Members’ details are registered on the Membership Database.
    8. Ensuring SGLs and other Group Members are linked to the National Database and to the relevant mailing lists or relevant communication means.
  5. Whatever else the RC might reasonably require of the District Commissioner (DC) in the best interests of SSA.
  6. Have a meeting with the SGL’s in the District at least annually, to discuss the successes and challenges in their Groups.
  7. Have meeting with the RC at least annually, to discuss the successes and challenges in the District.
