Scout Group

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The Scout Group is made up of one or more of the following units:

The units in a Scout Group have a common scarf in the colours of the group.

Each Group is supported by a Group Committee, which is chaired by the Scout Group Leader and consists of a representative from each Unit as well as elected officers such as the secretary and the treasurer.


Rover Crew

The Crew is for Rovers between the ages of 18 and 30. The Crew Council is the organising body of the Crew, elected by the Crew to organise and run the Crew for one year. The Rover Scouter acts as a mentor to the elected Crew Council members.

Scout Troop

The Troop is for the Scouts between 11 and 17 years in age. The Troop Scouter runs the Troop through the Court of Honour (CoH).

Six to eight Scouts form a Patrol, led by a Patrol Leader (PL) who is assisted by the Assistant Patrol Leader (APL).

Cub Pack

The Pack is for the Cubs between 7 and 10 years in age. The Pack is run by the Pack Scouter who is normally called "Akela".

The Pack is split up into smaller groups of Cubs known as a Six, and each Six has a different colour. The leader of the Six is called the Sixer and is helped by the Second.

Meerkat Den

The Den is for the Meerkats who are are 5 or 6 years old. The Den is run by the Den Scouter.

See also