First Aid Scoutcraft Badge

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Be Prepared is the scout motto and all scouts need to know how to assist people when they are injured or have been involved in an accident. This badge gives you the skills needed to help others.

Badge requirements

First Aid
First Aid
  1. Know how to use reverse charges on a public phone
    know to use a cell phone and land line and also know the emergency numbers on the various networks.
    1. ICE – Demonstrate how to load ICE contact information on your mobile phone.
    2. Explain what information needs to be handed over to the call operator.
  2. Explain the principles and limitations of yourself as the first aider.
  3. Describe Emergency Scene Management when dealing with sick and injured patients, including your own safety.
  4. Explain the procedure to hand over the scene to an adult qualified first aider or trained professional.
  5. Discuss with the examiner the signs and symptoms of the following using a sample history:
    1. Shock
    2. Hypo and hyperglycaemia (low and high blood sugar)
    3. Asthma
    4. Seizures
    5. Heart disease & stroke
  6. Identify the 3 types of bleeding. Demonstrate how to:
    1. Stop severe bleeding.
    2. How to deal with Sprains and fractures.
  7. Describe the treatment of superficial, partial, and full thickness burns.
  8. CPR, choking, and recovery position
    1. Have a good practical knowledge of CPR and be able to demonstrate the correct procedures (using currently accepted lay person compression and ventilation rates as well as Hands only CPR).
    2. Assist someone who is choking.
    3. Demonstrate how to put an unconscious person into the recovery position.
  9. Explain how to transport an injured person and demonstrate two methods of doing so.
  10. Demonstrate how you would deal with a spinal injury. Explain signs and symptoms of concussion.
  11. Assemble your own personal first aid kit and know how to use everything in it.
  12. As part of a team of at least three other scouts and using your personal first aid kit, take part in two simulated incidents set by the examiner. The incidents should also revise first aid at Traveller and Discoverer levels.

Requirements in PDF

See also

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