Gardener Scout Interest Badge

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Badge requirements


Do either A. flower garden or B. vegetable garden


  1. Plan a flower sequence for an ornamental bed to ensure blossom from October to March. Plant and grow successfully for one season six kinds of flowers from seeds or cuttings.
  2. Prepare and then discuss with the examiner a plan for a layout of an herbaceous border with particular reference to continuity of bloom, colour schemes and comparative height.
  3. Identify and have a general knowledge of six in each category of the following chosen by the examiner in a park or garden:
    1. ornamental trees and/or shrubs,
    2. annuals,
    3. biennials,
    4. perennials,
    5. indigenous plants,
    6. rockery plants.
  4. Demonstrate an understanding of the importance of controlling plant pests and diseases. Demonstrate how to spray washes and use dusting powders.
  5. Discuss the following:
    1. types of soil and the preparation and care of soil.
    2. how to make a compost heap.
    3. how and when to apply fertilizers and manures.
    4. the amount of water required by plants.
    5. methods of propagating plants.
  6. Explain the propagation, planting and lifting of bulbs.
  7. Show the examiner a rose bush, shrub or tree pruned by yourself and discuss the choice of tools and purpose of pruning, budding, and grafting.



  1. Plan, prepare and maintain a vegetable garden at your home or school for at least one season in which at least six different types of vegetables are produced.
  2. Discuss the principles of the trench-gardening method. Explain how crop rotation can ensure proper plant nourishment, minimise certain insect damage and provide sufficient vegetables all year round.
  3. Make and maintain a compost heap. Discuss the following with the examiner:
    1. the use of animal, green and liquid manure,
    2. the use of wood ash,
    3. the importance of mulching.
  4. Demonstrate the use of home-made pesticides, insecticides, and fungicides.
  5. Make an item of gardening equipment such as a soil sieve, scoop, spade, hoe, rake, or bucket.
  6. Demonstrate the cleaning, bunching, or packing of vegetables. Explain how vegetables can be stored in order to keep them dry and safe from vermin and insects.
  7. Explain the nutritional value of
    1. three root or tuber vegetables,
    2. three fruits or vegetables which bear above the ground,
    3. three leafy green vegetables.

Requirements in PDF

See also

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