Lifesaver Scout Interest Badge

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Badge requirements

  1. Have passed the Swimming Scoutcraft Badge or complete all the requirements for it.
  2. Demonstrate:
    1. CPR on a model both in water and on land.
    2. How to promote warmth and circulation.
    3. How to put the casualty in the recovery position once they start to breathe.
  3. Explain:
    1. The 7 safety Swimming Steps (trained supervisor, safe swimming area, lifeguard picket, lookout, ability groups, buddy system, and good discipline).
    2. The order of methods to be followed in water rescue (reach, throw, row, go and tow).
  4. Demonstrate:
    1. Reaching rescues using such things as arms, legs, branches, sticks, towels, shirts, paddles, and poles.
    2. Rescues using things that can be thrown such as lines, ring buoys and free-floating supports such as boat cushions. Throw a 20m lifeline to fall between two pegs, twice out of every three throws. The pegs must be 1,2m apart and 12m from the thrower.
  5. Demonstrate twice that you can take off your clothes (shoes, socks, trousers, belt, long- sleeved shirt and jacket or sweater) in 20 seconds or less. Explain the importance of taking off clothes before a swimming rescue.
  6. Swim 50m as fast as possible, dressed in shirt and shorts, with a lifeline.
  7. Keeping a struggling person in sight, enter the water. Swim l0m. Make the correct approach and demonstrate:
    1. A "shirt-tail" rescue. Carry shirt in teeth or hand. Swing one end of the shirt to the hands of the drowning person. Tow the person 10m.
    2. A method of rescue and of release in the water with a person about the size of the rescuer. Tow the person 10m
  8. Swim 50m in shirt, shorts and socks and undress in the water without touching the bottom.
  9. In a pool, dive from the surface of the water to a depth of at least 1,5m and bring up a stone, brick, or iron object weighing between 2 and 3kg at least twice out of three attempts.
  10. In the water, demonstrate:
    1. Four rescue swim strokes, carrying the victim at least 15m by each method.
    2. Three methods of release from the clutch of a drowning victim.
    3. The victim is to be about the size of the rescuer

Requirements in PDF

See also

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