Round Turn and 2 Half Hitches
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The round turn and two half hitches is a hitch - used to tie a rope to a fixed object.
The name refers to the components of the knot: a round turn wraps the rope around the object (completely encircling it) and the two half hitches secure the end around the standing part.

Tying a Round Turn and 2 Half Hitches

- Take the working end of the rope behind the pole.
- Make one full turn around the pole. This is important as this is where the friction between the rope and the spar gives strength to the knot.
- Pass the running end of the rope behind the standing part.
- Make the first half-hitch around the standing part of the rope
- Continue in the same direction around the standing part of the rope to make the second half-hitch.
- Seat the two half-hitches nicely.
- Note: the Two half-hitches make a clove hitch around the standing part of the rope and NOT a Larks-head
. Variations can be made with:
- More turns of the rope around the pole or spar,
- More half-hitches. around the standing end of the rope.
This knot can be used to fasten a rope to a pole while the standing end is under strain, the round turn takes up the strain while the two half hitches are tied. The knot will not come undone if there is tugging or uneven load on the standing part.