Rover Scouter

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The Rover Scouter or RS is the adult leader responsible for ensuring the continuity of the Rover Crew and Crew Council, and serves a mentorship role within the Rover Crew.

This post was formerly called the Rover Scout Leader or RSL and many still appear as such in older resources.

Purpose of the Rover Scouter

To lead, manage and coordinate the effective implementation of the Rover Training Programme in the Crew in accordance with SCOUTS South Africa (SSA) Constitution, Organisational Rules and Policies.

To develop, support and educate the members of the Crew.

Funtions of the Rover Scouter

The following functions of the Rover Scouter were outlined in the 2017 Scouts South Africa job description of the role:

  1. Support and represent the Crew:
    • Take full responsibility for the Crew regarding the duties, responsibilities and function of a Rover Scouter (RS), as defined in Organisational Rules.
    • Attend regular Crew and Council Meetings.
    • Ensure that Crew activities are conducted in accordance with the spirit of SSA and lead to growth and development of each individual.
    • Attend Rover Moots, Group Committee Meetings and District Meetings.
    • Ensure that Rover Records are properly maintained and kept up-to-date. These records are to be uploaded or captured on the National Scout Database.
    • Review the outcomes of Star Crew evaluations with the Crew Council to plan strategically for the improvements of the implementation of the Programme.
  2. Facilitate the activities in the Crew:
    • Hold regular Crew Meetings and follow the Rover Policies and Guidelines.
    • Encourage an active Outdoor Programme, ensuring that sufficient camps and hikes are arranged so that each Rover has the opportunity to experience the outdoors and service aspects of Scouting.
    • Ensure each Rover is given the opportunity to progress, in accordance with age and ability, through the requirements of the Rover Programme.
  3. Encouraging the growth of Scouting:
    • Actively support Group, District, Regional and National events and projects.
  4. Recruitment, Mentoring and Training:
    • Run the necessary activities required for Scouts to complete the Rover Network Badge.
    • Ensure each new recruit is thoroughly trained in the Principles of the Movement, as well as the Scout Promise and Law in preparation for Membership of the Crew.
    • Ensure each Scout progresses, in accordance with age and ability, through the requirements of the Scout Programme.
    • Be enthusiastic, committed and set an example to others by living up to the Scout Promise and Law.
    • Grow the Crew through the recruitment of new members.
  5. Whatever else the Scout Group Leader (SGL) or District Commissioner (DC) might reasonably require of the RS in the best interests of SSA and the Crew.
  6. Undergo an annual Personal Development Review (PDR) with the SGL or DC as relevant.
