Safety Code Scout Interest Badge

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Badge requirements

Safety Code
Safety Code
  1. Present a presentation to your troop with various accidents caused by negligence, avoidable accidents, and failure to observe proper procedures and lead a discussion on how these accidents could have been avoided.
  2. Show that you have a knowledge of the common causes of electrical accidents. Know the safety precautions to be taken in your home to prevent them from happening.
  3. Using safety checklist approved by your examiner inspect your home. Explain the hazards found, why they are hazards and how they can be or have been corrected. Show that you know the dangers of hazardous articles, e.g.:
    • Oil lamps,
    • Pressure stoves,
    • Flannelette, silk, nylon, etc.,
    • Christmas decorations,
    • Plastics,
    • Aerosols,
    • Inflammable liquids,
    • Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG),
    • Focussing of the sun's rays.
  4. Show that you have a knowledge of where in your house and how to turn off gas, electricity, and water in an emergency.
  5. Demonstrate a sound knowledge of the dangers of veld fires and the precautions necessary to prevent them when you are camping or hiking.
  6. Show a knowledge of the risks of being:
    1. A pedestrian.
    2. A traveller by road, rail or on water.
    3. An operator of potentially dangerous tools and machines such as those used in the home and school workshops (power lawnmowers, power tools, etc).
  7. At 3 appropriate locations spend 2 hours observing and listing safe and unsafe practices at or near intersections by:
    1. Motor vehicle drivers.
    2. Pedestrians.
    3. Bicycle riders.
    4. Passengers (car, bus, train, or aircraft).
    Show this list to your examiner and describe, in the case of the unsafe practices, what the correct conduct should have been.
  8. Plan for an accident/hazard prevention programme for the following outdoor situations:
    1. Explain what to do in a camping emergency.
    2. Explain what to do in a hiking emergency and show an understanding of the Scouts SA Emergency Hike Procedure.
    3. Explain what to do if you observe an emergency situation developing which you are not able to assist with directly.
    Each plan should include an analysis of the possible hazards, any action proposed to minimise or correct the hazards and the reasons for the correction you propose.

Requirements in PDF

See also

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