Gas equipment

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Gas and paraffin are often used for cooking, lighting and heating, both during Scout activities, and also in our homes. It is important to teach Meerkats, Cubs and Scouts how to use this equipment safely.

The Scout handbook My Scout Journey has a detailed section on safe use and care of gas equipment, and can be bought online from the Scout Shop.

Cooking safely on a gas stove

  • Make sure the stove is on a firm, flat surface.
  • Make sure the pot is not too large for the pot stand.
  • Keep the gas cylinder vertical (except for some lightweight hiking stoves where the cylinder is designed to lie flat).
  • Make sure the connections are tightened firmly and there is no smell of leaking gas.
  • Always leave the key in the cylinder so you can turn it off in an emergency.
  • Always use a stove in a well-ventilated area
  • Keep the stove away from material, tents, and anything flammable
  • When lighting the stove, get your match ready first, then turn on the gas, then quickly light the match.
  • Don't change a gas cylinder close to another stove or gas light that is still alight, or to any other source of flame like a candle, pilot lamp, or lit cigarette.
  • Stoves and gas lamps get VERY HOT, so don't touch. They take a while to cool down too.
  • Make sure the gas is completely off afterwards.


Badge and advancement requirements

These are the main badge requirements related to gas and paraffin equipment:

Age group Badge Requirement
Meerkat Safety Badge

Explain why you need to keep a window open if gas or paraffin is being used.

Cub Gold Wolf - Outdoor Challenge - Campcraft

Learn about fire and gas/paraffin safety and the correct way to light a fire in the open bush.

Explain what to do in the case of a fire emergency.

Cub Civil Emergency Badge

Show that you know the location of the main cut-off points for water, gas and electricity in your home AND the pack meeting place.

Scout Traveller - Living Outdoors

Explain, and where possible demonstrate, how to care for and store at least four of the following items of equipment in your troop:

  • Gas cooking and lighting equipment or their equivalent.
Scout Discoverer - Safety Awareness

Devise a safety checklist for your house or other building.

After approval by your Scouter, use that checklist to make an inspection of the building. Hazards that could be checked include: oil lamps; pressure stoves; synthetic material, silk, nylon, Christmas decorations; plastics; inflammable liquids; electrical outlets or appliances; Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG), etc.

Explain the hazards found, why they are hazardous and how they can be corrected. Within the constraints of your ability and finances correct these hazards you have identified.

Scout Home Maintenance Interest Badge

Discuss the precautions to take against frost and explain how to thaw frozen pipes in a welling house and what immediate steps to take in the case of burst water pipes or gas leaks.

Clean a stove including the plates and oven. Know the safety precautions to be taken.

Change the mantle on a glass lamp or the wick of a paraffin lamp, and clean the glass.

Scout Cook Interest Badge

Demonstrate your ability to use and maintain paraffin and gas stoves and lamps (primus, hurricane, and similar types).

Understand the dangers, and demonstrate the safety precautions to be taken in lighting, using and cleaning these stoves and lamps.

Demonstrate the correct procedures to be followed in replacing gas cylinders (including hiking gas stoves).

Scout Camp Quartermaster Interest Badge

Demonstrate in camp the correct methods of:

  • Safe storage and maintenance of gas and paraffin lanterns, stoves and fuel
Scout Safety Code Interest Badge

Using safety checklist approved by your examiner make an inspection of your home. Explain the hazards found, why they are hazards and how they can be or have been corrected. Show that you know the dangers of hazardous articles, eg:

  • oil lamps
  • pressure stoves
  • Inflammable liquids;
  • Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG)