Talk:Scout Interest Badges

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Links to PDF documents

Do you think it is necessary to include the (PDF) links at the end of each of the badges on this page? I feel that we should remove them from this page (but not from the page for each individual badge) for the following reasons:

  1. Preference on the wiki is for the text-based version
  2. PDF is still available on the wiki page for the badge
  3. The (PDF) link reduces readability.


--RyanHultzer (talk) 06:50, 15 November 2018 (SAST)

Care Giver Scout Interest Badge

Does this badge exist?

Does anyone have the requirements and badge image?

--RyanHultzer (talk) 01:56, 16 November 2018 (SAST)

Scout Badge Book reference document

We have a anomaly pointed by one of my scouts - when looking for the official Scout Badge Book

  • Scoutwiki refers the scout to Scouts SA website (nightmare to navigate using the drop-down menus)
Please note Badge and advancement requirements on this page are shown for reference only, and should not be taken as the latest official version, which can be found on the SCOUTS South Africa website. The copyright to the requirements on this page, as well as to the badge designs, belongs to SCOUTS South Africa.
  • Scout SA website search for the Badge book refers directly to Scoutwiki
  • Lastly there is no longer a single pdf (date stamped or controlled document) with all the badges - which makes it tedious for scout to download page-by-page -

Kite.henley (talk) 16:32, 11 August 2021 (SAST)

Good point. I'm checking up on that with national HQ. ScoutWeb (talk) 08:18, 12 August 2021 (SAST)
The original plan was for all 'official' documents to only be on the SSA website, and thus the wiki would be 'unofficial'. However, SSA has not yet published the official Badge Book (which will match what is on scout wiki), so the decision will be up to SSA. --RyanHultzer (talk) 09:47, 12 August 2021 (SAST)

Scout Badge Book 2020 update

Propose this is reduced to a single line or paragraph (with a redirect) and the detail is moved to a new page.

  • It keeps this page as a working page for the scouts.
  • The changes/updates for Nov2020 are clearly documented as a page for historical purposes

Kite.henley (talk) 16:32, 11 August 2021 (SAST)

I moved the 2020 updates to the end of the page for the moment. ScoutWeb (talk) 08:22, 12 August 2021 (SAST)

Survival badges - broken links

There seems to be a glitch in the system - or we have lost a page. All the page links to survival badge (formerly known as the Backwoodsman badge) lead to an error page. So far I see only two

[ZH3stpGEgaZ0-_fWBeSIvgAAAAE] 2023-06-05 14:09:58: Fatal exception of type "MWException"

Help! This is above my paygrade.. Kite.henley (talk) 16:13, 5 June 2023 (SAST)

Thanks, it's something to do with templates being broken and it has been reported by a couple of people in the last two or three days. It's been reported to the IT team via the helpdesk at https:// RyanHultzer, are you still available to help? ScoutWeb (talk) 16:28, 5 June 2023 (SAST)
It's fixed now (thanks Ryan!) ScoutWeb (talk) 11:35, 12 June 2023 (SAST)