Rover Crew

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A group of Rovers is known as a "Crew" and each Rover Crew is different, tailoring its activities to the requirements of its members. Crews vary in size from a handful of members to as many as 20. Most Crews meet monthly depending on how active the Crew is. Becoming a member of a Rover crew will provide you with a challenge and the opportunity to develop your personal abilities, as well as learning plenty of new skills.

Crews also thrive on social activities such as harbour cruises, inter-crew activities, sailing, hiking, camping, Minute to Win it Challenges and national and international events known as "Moots".

Crew Council

This is the organising body of the Crew elected by the Crew to organise and run the Crew for one year. The Crew Council consists of a Rover Scouter, Crew Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and two or three Rovers. Only invested Rovers can be elected to this Council, and this is where all decisions are made. To be elected to this Council is an honour not to be taken lightly.

With no two Crews being alike it is difficult to set a standard, but here are a few pointers:

  • The Council must be aware of the needs and capabilities of the Crew.
  • The Council must not over-extend the Crew. "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy", and that is not what we are looking for. Whatever happens, keep the fun element alive.
  • Maintain democracy in the Crew. Arguments can always be settled if discussed in an adult manner.
  • The Council has judicial powers. Crew members acting out of line can be called to appear before the Council. This is the most unpleasant task a Council may have to perform.
  • Avoid your Crew Council becoming a secret society. Take all decisions, programmes and activities to the Crew through the Crew in Council.